
Five steps to implement an Omnichannel Strategy

June 18, 2021


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This isn’t the first time we have talked about what an omnichannel strategy is, and why is it so important for any company that is looking to give a bigger, best experience to all of their clients. Actually, we have a blog about that you can read, [here](https://www.rootstack.com/en/blog/omnichannel-software-things-every-ceo-or-marketer-should-know). We truly recommend you to do that and then come back to this one so you have a better idea on how to implement this type of strategy. That being said, omnichannel retailing is a marketing strategy that takes the multi-channel experience to a whole level, combining both online and offline strategies into one. You see, the whole idea of an omnichannel strategy is to create a more complete, integrated marketing plan that centers around what the customer really needs. Through an omnichannel experience, companies can improve the customer’s experience by making it as complete as possible by constantly keeping them involved with the brand no matter where they are. ##Learn the differences between Multichannel and Omnichannel Before we move on into explaining how you can begin to implement an Omnichannel strategy, you need to know the differences between omnichannel and multichannel, since they aren’t the same, nor they require the same steps. You see, a multichannel marketing strategy relies on having multiple marketing channels (Social media accounts, a website, an online and regular store, etc) but having them working separately from one another. This means all channels are available to the consumer, but they are not integrated, but rather being handled in separate ways, which is completely different from the omnichannel strategy. On the other hand, an omnichannel marketing strategy makes sure that all the communication and marketing channels available for the customer are also integrated and working together as a one huge marketing tool. Basically, the idea is for the numerous available marketing channels touch on some points in such a way that the experience the customer is having is constant at all times. ##1: Get a customized omnichannel solution Customized omni-channels solutions refer to the software and services that make the omnichannel experience possible, like Api’s orientated to omni-channels that act as the connection between the multi-platforms that compose this strategy, creating a more progressive, integrated interface that’s fully orientated to fulfill the customer’s needs. Getting a customized omnichannel solution allows your company to get the software tool they need to successfully integrate all the previous existing marketing tools into one powerful platform, while also giving you the opportunity to create an omnichannel strategy that adapts to what your company wants but also to what the customer needs, improving their online and offline experience. ##2: Identify your buyer persona This is a necessary step in any marketing strategy and refers to the process of creating and identify the buyer persona (or personas) in order to understand your public and future customers. Creating a buyer persona allows companies to know what public are they going to target with their marketing strategy, how they are going to do it, and the tools they will implement. Of course, these personas are fake people we create, but they help us understand the market we are targeting towards, how they’ll approach it, and create proper marketing strategies that adapt to those future clients. ##3: Focus on improving the customer experience Omnichannel strategies revolve around making the customer experience the best it can possibly be, and in order to do so, you need to focus your efforts from a client-point-of-view. This means looking at every strategy from a customer-centric view, making sure the customer has your full attention and you will continue to adapt your strategies from there upwards ##4: Spread a constant, strong message throughout all platforms For a good omnichannel strategy to really workout, it is important to involve the client from any side, no matter how he got in contact with the company the first time. This means it is necessary that every communication channel is offering the same information to the client, encouraging them to interact with your company from anywhere and still get the same treatment, and the same positive information. It is important to make sure there isn’t a gap or any time of miscommunication amongst the agents, the user (client) and the technology or platform being used in the omnichannel strategy. ##5: Integrate all the data Last, but not least, it is important to get a hold of the data across all systems. Keep in mind that although the experience should be seamlessly for the client or user, it shouldn’t be for the company. This means that you, as a company, need to interwave all the data and insight that you got across all of the platforms (both online and offline) that integrate your omnichannel strategy. Implementing an omnichannel strategy requires time, a well-thought plan and a strong software to back everything up, contact us and lets us help you get the solution you need!