Why implement a process management solution?

June 18, 2021


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![gestion de procesos](https://cms.rootstack.comhttps://cms.rootstack.com/sites/default/files/blog/img/rectangle-1.png) Today, companies are focused on automating, thus achieving greater productivity, minimizing operating costs and generating added value to its customers. Due to these reasons workflow systems or processes are designed, which are the different stages through which must pass a process to be resolved. This facilitates workflow information relevant to each employee of the organization and its proper action / participation in the process, in order to automate it.   Process management is defined by *"processes that have to be carried out by specific employees of the organization to achieve a specific goal."* Keep in mind that in each organizations, workflows and processes varies, but the one and only general rule is that to achieve the overall objectives, the specific objectives must be met. Process flows allow us to automate operations and build collaboration between employees of each operation, being more productive, efficient workers and encouraging the growth of the organization. *** *“Integrate the entire organization based on workflows and encourage cooperation among employees, achieving more effective processes and increasing productivity”* ------------------------------------------------------------------------ *** Implementing a [workflow process solution brings major benefits to the organization (Ref in Spanish)](http://www.elobservador.com.uy/beneficios-aplicar-una-gestion-procesos-negocios-n890277). Some of the most sough out benefits are: - The staff of the organization can meet increased demand - The company will be more productive and efficient - The organization will grow - Reducing operating costs - Improves customer service - It enables automation and interactions with other systems There are key element in a process managemement workflow. Here are 3 essential elements that are a MUST when implementing a [Management process software:](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gesti%C3%B3n_de_procesos_de_negocio) **1. Document management procedures of a company.** Every company should have consistent information and this is where the process flow plays a big role because it keeps updated and centralized changes, formats and standards that must comply with the information of the organization. Certain key personnel of the organization (based on permissions / authorizations) can view or edit the information and can also be integrated to external company (customers or users), through public documents. Example of these are: - Policies and procedures documents - Operation manuals - References guides **2. Workflows based on specific activities** This process flow is based on activities that occur at any time and for which there must be a workflow, in order to automate the collaboration between those involved with the process. The most common examples of this process flow are: - New client configuration - Incorporation of employees - Employee's permission requests - Contracts for review / editing / approval - Promotional content (review / editing / approval) **3. Workflows based on recurring activities** A process flow based on recurring activities, drives automation organization through tasks / recurring activities, which should collaborate certain employees for the closure of such activity. By implementing this type of workflow, the company maximizes productivity and efficiency, minimize man / hours and reduces the duration of the processes. Examples of this type of process flows are: - Performance evaluations - Monthly newsletters, monthly reports, cash flows, etc. - Daily or weekly tasks - Maintenance of equipment - Sales reports, accounting, etc. Apart from other essential elements that provides a workflow solution, and entrenching even more the "Automating Process" in an organization, there are integrations that, without affecting their internal processes, can be easily integrated with other systems, of which currently your company depends on and are part of the core and business intelligence. The most common integrations with most workflows are based on CRM's such as [Salesforce](https://www.salesforce.com/mx/?ir=1), [PipeDrive](https://www.pipedrive.com/en/gettingstarted1?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=OtherCountries_Brd&utm_term=pipe%20drive&ad_matchtype=e&gclid=CJSpgP70j88CFUIfhgodI8wPag), [Rootnet CRM](https://rootnetapp.com/), [Microsoft Dynamics](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics/default.aspx), [Paypal](https://www.paypal.com/pa/webapps/mpp/home) and corporate mails such as Gmail, Microsoft Exchange, among other. These integrations allows your organization to maintain consistency in the information and processes and future. We recommend developing the proper software architecture, such as SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) so as to integrate different software services, both internal and external, since the layers are decoupled and the integration with different systems does not affect the Business Intelligence of the organization. Rootstack has been involved with implementing successful workflow processes as it is a prerequisite for the development of your organization solution designed to automate processes and drive the evolution of the company through productivity, maximizing profitability, reducing costs and minimizing "human error" factor. Do not hesitate to contact us if you want to consult us about a software solution for your organization