5 Questions for software developers before you hire them

January 31, 2023

Tags: Technologies, IT Staff Augmentation

hire dedicated software developers


Many times, company leaders are so caught up in project difficulties, understaffing, or inexperienced technology that they are unable to see solutions that can help them do their job better. For many businesses, hire dedicated software developers has become one of the best decisions they've ever made, and in this article, we'll explain why.


Hire dedicated software developers: when is the time?


You need to quickly develop your software project


Sometimes companies need to get their next software product to market as quickly as possible, but don't have the equipment to get it done. It may be that there are very few resources, or that the resources that exist are not experts in the technologies that are needed. In that case, hiring dedicated software developers means these resources will be immediately integrated into the project, taking over all areas to ensure a successful product launch, quickly and efficiently.


You do not have the technical profiles you need


For example, imagine that you need to integrate certain platforms of your business to make the workflow faster, but you don't have a profile that knows how to handle Mulesoft Anypoint well. Or that you want to implement Salesforce CRM but you don't have someone on your team who handles this technology. In these cases, it is very opportune to hire dedicated software developers, since they will join your team or project to do a very specific task, injecting efficiency and quality.


hire dedicated software developers


You want to dedicate yourself to more strategic or commercial tasks


When there is a lot of work and, at the same time, many goals to achieve, teams sometimes feel torn between two waters. They want to fulfill everything and, in the long run, they cannot dedicate themselves entirely to nothing. By hiring dedicated software developers, this external team can focus on technical and routine tasks, while the internal team is dedicated to tasks more tied to the core of the business. This brings dynamism and productivity.


Save costs


Many companies feel constrained when it comes to needing more staff, because they know they cannot invest in recruiting, recruiting, training, vacation bonuses, leave, and overtime. The flexibility that dedicated software developers bring is unmatched: you can just hire them by the hour, to do specific tasks and that's it. Without additional costs. You will only pay for the work they do.


hire dedicated software developers


Services you can get by hire dedicated software developers


  • Custom development of web and mobile applications
  • Testing & QA
  • Professional design
  • Product engineering services
  • Big data
  • Remote hosting services for IT infrastructure
  • IT infrastructure maintenance and support
  • Data backup and migration services


Important factors before hire dedicated software developers


Before thinking about the possibility of hire dedicated software developers, you should first go through these simple, but effective steps, which will help you in choosing your provider:


  • You must define very well what are the requirements of your project and the goals you have.
  • Check references from projects and past clients that the provider has had, to learn a little about their experience and the quality of their service.
  • Maintain transparent communication with the candidates, as this will give you an idea of their commitment and work dynamics.
  • Analyze if they have similar work cultures, as this is essential to build trust.


hire dedicated software developers


Qualities you should look for in a dedicated software developer


Effective and transparent communication so that the flow of the project is clearCross-functionality, that has skills that allow it to fulfill its tasksFlexibility and freedom to use any kind of technology and toolProblem-solving attitude, analytical abilityManagement of agile methodologies to accelerate development and efficiency


Questions to ask dedicated software developers before hiring them


Have you worked on similar projects before?


This way you will know if they have experience in your type of project, area or industry. It is a very important point, since if so, it would add a lot of value and experience to your product.


How will we communicate?


From day 1, both the company and dedicated software developers must be clear about what the communication channels will be. Also, who will be the people in charge on both sides to talk about the progress of the project and catch up.


Can you talk in detail about the approach you take to software development?


The software developers that you are going to hire must know how to work under various methodologies so that they adjust to your project, whatever its type. Among the traditional methodologies, there is the cascade, prototyping, spiral, and incremental, among others. Among the agile methodologies, there are Kanban, and Scrum, among others.


hire dedicated software developers


Mind if I talk to some of your past clients?


“Asking for customer testimonials and reviews is a great way to see what they have done before and how successful they have been. All the providers you talk to should be willing to show you their work portfolio, if not, then you should probably avoid them", they explained in this regard on the Influencive technology portal.


What comes after finishing the project?


The end of a software project is not really the end. The end of software development does not mean the job is done. Dedicated software developers should be available within days or weeks of release for software maintenance and support if required.


Do you need to hire dedicated software developers for your project? At Rootstack, we have +10 years of experience supporting companies in their digital transformation. Contact us!


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