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How e-commerce development services help you boost positioning

February 29, 2024

Tags: IT Staff Augmentation

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e-commerce development services


In the world of e-commerce, companies often face complex challenges when trying to understand and optimize their e-commerce platforms. From fluctuations in portal ranking to a decline in online visibility, these issues can have a significant impact on website traffic and, ultimately, sales.


For many businesses, navigating these turbulent waters can be overwhelming as they try to decipher the complexities of search algorithms and optimization best practices in an ever-changing digital environment. However, understanding the critical importance of an effective e-commerce platform and its impact on online visibility is critical to long-term success in the competitive world of e-commerce.



e-commerce development services



What to do when e-commerce positioning is going down?

To address the challenges that companies face with their e-commerce platforms and their impact on positioning, it is crucial to take a strategic and proactive approach. As an e-commerce development services company, we offer a set of strategies designed to thoroughly review your e-commerce and detect possible areas that could be affecting your search engine rankings.


  • Perform a website analysis

An e-commerce development services company can help you perform a thorough analysis of the website to identify possible technical problems, such as broken links, page loading errors, indexing problems, among others. Tools like Google Search Console and website analysis tools can be helpful in this process.


  • Evaluate keyword strategy

You can also review your e-commerce keyword strategy to make sure it's aligned with current search trends and the terms your potential customers are using. You may need to do additional keyword research to identify new opportunities or fine-tune existing ones, and this can be handled by the marketing team of the e-commerce development company you hire.

e-commerce development services

  • Optimize content

Make sure your website content is well-structured, relevant, and of high quality. This includes optimizing titles, descriptions, headers, images and general text. Additionally, consider adding fresh and useful content, such as blogs, guides or videos, to improve user experience and increase the relevance of your website.


“Inadequate or uninspiring product descriptions and images fail to attract or convince potential customers to make a purchase,” they emphasized in a LinkedIn article.


  • Validate if the web design is consistent

“A poorly designed e-commerce site does not attract customers. Sounds simple, right? It's simple to say, but the design is complicated. Not partnering with a large design company will only increase the failure rate when your site is included”, they warned about it on the Theecommerce portal.


servicios de desarrollo de e-commerce


  • Improve user experience

User experience plays a crucial role in the positioning of an e-commerce website. Ensure, with the support of e-commerce development services, that your site is easy to navigate, quick to load on mobile devices and provides a seamless and intuitive shopping experience. This can include optimizing site speed, simplifying the checkout process, and improving navigation.


“Don't be afraid to ask current customers what they need. Getting feedback from current customers can give you insight into trends and create more specific plans for the future. You never know, a client might even suggest an idea that you haven't thought of yet”, they noted in an article on the Big Commerce portal.


  • Create a link building strategy

Quality links remain an important factor in search ranking. Work on creating a link building strategy that includes earning links from relevant, high-authority websites in your industry. This can include collaborations with bloggers, guest posting, participation in relevant directories, and other ethical link building tactics.


  • Constantly monitor and analyze

An e-commerce development services agency can support you with regular monitoring of your e-commerce website performance using web analytics tools and monitoring platforms. Keep an eye out for any changes in search rankings, site traffic, and conversion metrics. Analyze data to identify trends, opportunities, and additional areas for improvement.


e-commerce development services


  • Check the checkout

If suddenly your e-commerce has good traffic and, even so, it is not reflected in higher sales, then review the website checkout process since it may be influencing the abandonment of users of your store.


“A complex, multi-step checkout process is a frustrating experience for customers and they will likely give up before finishing. Avoid frustration by offering a very short payment process. Additionally, you do not need to register to make the payment. Let customers follow the process and choose the option to register and save their data at the end, in case they want to return”, they stated in Entrepreneur.


When an e-commerce ranking is declining, it is essential to take proactive measures to diagnose and address the underlying causes. By performing a thorough analysis, optimizing content, improving user experience, and following SEO best practices, you can help recover and improve your website's ranking in the long term.


Do you need an e-commerce development team for your next project? At Rootstack, we have +14 years of experience supporting companies in their digital transformation. Contact us.


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