Cloud Computing Services

Compliance Electronic Signature Panamá



digital signatureDigitization ceased to be a goal of the future to become the present of millions of companies around the world. Many of the manual processes that were carried out in companies have found their digital version, facilitating team workflows. Electronic signatures have been key in digitizing company procedures and have completely transformed the area of ​​signing documents and contracts.


In just 5 years, global transactions with electronic signatures increased from 89 million to 754 million in just 5 years, according to data from Statista firm. In addition, according to data published by the PS Market Research portal, the electronic signature market will reach 9,073 million dollars in 2023. As you can see, it is a market that is in full growth and a tool whose use is becoming more and more widespread among companies of all kinds.


There are multiple reasons that have led companies to adopt digital signatures. In the first place, the process of signing documents is greatly simplified: the signing is achieved faster, and, in addition, costs are saved since contracts do not have to be printed, wasting paper and ink unnecessarily when everything can now be done digitally. 


digital signature


It is natural to have questions about electronic signature solutions, especially if it is the first time that you are going to implement them in your company. Perhaps the main question is related to the security of the documents and we can assure you that it is: your documents are completely safe as they are signed electronically, being totally legally valid.


In addition, as a company, you must make sure that the technology provider offers you a solution with all the guarantees of security and integrity of your data. In this whitepaper, we will explain everything related to electronic signatures and the laws that regulate the validity of signatures in Panama.


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