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May 09, 2022
Tags: Technologies
An API facilitates the exchange of messages or data. A set of functions and procedures that a library provides for use by other software as an abstraction layer.
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May 07, 2022
Tags: Technologies
API is the acronym in English for Application Programming Interface, which is a software intermediary that allows two applications to communicate with each other.
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May 04, 2022
Tags: Technologies
According to figures from Statista, the global hotel market reached 3,486.77 million dollars in 2020.
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May 02, 2022
Tags: Technologies
A frontend developer is in charge of the design and implementation of the interface of the web page or mobile application.
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May 02, 2022
Tags: Technologies
In this operating system, there are several new tools that will make development in 2022 easier and faster for developers, here we present some on them.
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May 02, 2022
Tags: IT Staff Augmentation
The cyber-world ceased to be something distant and abstract to become part of our day-to-day life.
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