

Check out our video bank

We create videos about the technologies we handle and we share our experience.

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Why use Azure

Application management via Microsoft-managed data centers

With AWS Reduce costs and innovate

You will have an hourly pricing model, low resources and a private cloud

Angular the best technology for your project

A very popular web development framework that offers fast responsiveness and ease of maintenance

Alfresco the technology you need

Run large-scale campaigns, automate user contact, and schedule automatic message delivery

Webinar: How To choose your partner in a global business

It will always be better to hire a partner who has experience in your type of project, since this way, they will know how to better handle the situations that arise. So, What should we have in mind to choose the right technology partner? That is what we are going to tell you in our Webinar How to choose your tech partner in a global business. Come and join us to talk about:

  • Factors to consider before choosing a partner
  • What to avoid
  • What to do in case you choose the wrong technology partner and how it affects the product quality.

Do you have any doubt? Contact us!

Webinar: Working Tech Partners on Latam

Did you miss our webinar on how to work with Tech Partners in LATAM? No problem, here we share the complete video of the talk between our CEO, Alejandro Oses and, our CTO, Diego Tejera on this interesting topic for all companies today.

These are the topics they discussed in the webinar:

  • How to work with a technology partner
  • Choosing the proper model and Scenarios for your company
  • How to implement it in your company step by step
  • Communication and training
  • Good practices with partners
  • Things that you get without cost

Ready to take your company to the next level?