Software Testing & QA Services

BPM Solution for 2025: Trends and Updates

September 18, 2024

Tags: Technologies
bpm solutions and trends for 2025


Digital transformation has changed the way organizations manage their internal processes, and Business Process Management (BPM) has evolved along with it. In 2025, BPM solutions will not only be key to operational efficiency, but also to competitiveness in an ever-changing market. Companies will need to adopt solutions that integrate intelligent automation, advanced analytics, and customized approaches to stay ahead.


In this article, we will explore the top trends in BPM solutions that will dominate in 2025, as well as the most prominent BPM platforms that lead the market.


1. Hyperautomation and Intelligent Automation


Hyperautomation is emerging as one of the top trends in BPM for 2025. This concept goes beyond basic automation, combining advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to streamline and automate complex tasks. Gartner predicts that by 2025, 85% of organizations that adopt hyper automation will increase their operational efficiency by 30%.


BPM platforms are increasingly integrating these capabilities, allowing companies to reduce the time required to complete repetitive tasks, improve decision-making accuracy, and maximize return on investment (ROI) in their processes. This approach not only speeds up response times but also enables companies to scale more quickly.


Featured solutions:


Camunda: With a strong focus on process automation and integration with AI and RPA, Camunda is positioned as a leader in BPM solutions for companies seeking operational agility.


bpm solutions and trends for 2025


2. Low-code and no-code: accessibility for all


Another key trend for 2025 is the rise of low-code and no-code BPM platforms. These solutions allow users to create, customize, and optimize processes without relying on developers or technical experts. This approach democratizes access to process management, allowing employees from different areas of the company to improve workflows without advanced programming knowledge.


According to Forrester, by 2024, 75% of BPM solutions will include low-code and no-code options to accelerate process implementation. This trend is especially relevant in business environments where agility is crucial, and process changes must be made quickly to respond to new opportunities or challenges.


Featured solutions:


Appian: With a low-code-focused approach, Appian enables companies to develop and automate processes with a simple, easy-to-use interface, without compromising on customization.


3. Integrating customer experience (CX) into BPM


Customer experience (CX) has become a key factor for business success, and BPM platforms in 2025 will need to incorporate features that enable better integration of internal processes with customer interactions. Companies that align their BPM with customer experience can gain a significant competitive advantage by offering faster, more personalized, and efficient services.


A recent PwC study indicates that 86% of consumers are willing to pay more for a better experience. This trend is driving the evolution of BPM platforms into solutions that allow mapping the customer lifecycle and optimizing key touchpoints, improving both customer retention and overall satisfaction.


Featured solutions:


Pega Systems: Pega is a BPM platform recognized for its ability to integrate business processes with workflows focused on customer experience, facilitating the delivery of faster and more personalized services.


bpm solutions and trends for 2025


4. Advanced analytics and data-driven decision making


Advanced analytics is another key trend for the future of BPM. In 2025, BPM solutions will not only enable process automation, but will also incorporate predictive analytics tools to proactively identify patterns, predict outcomes, and optimize workflows. BPM platforms with real-time analytics capabilities will provide deeper insight into process performance and enable organizations to make data-driven decisions more accurately.


According to a McKinsey report, companies that use advanced analytics in their processes can increase their productivity by up to 25%. This capability will be critical to optimizing business processes in 2025, as it will allow companies to adjust their strategies based on market changes in real time.


Featured solutions:


IBM Business Automation Workflow: This platform combines process automation with advanced analytics capabilities, allowing companies to optimize workflows and accurately predict trends.


5. Security and compliance in BPM


As business processes become more complex and organizations adopt cloud BPM solutions, security and compliance will be key priorities in 2025. Global data protection regulations, such as GDPR in Europe, require companies to manage their data securely and transparently.


BPM platforms in 2025 will need to integrate robust security and compliance capabilities that enable organizations to protect their sensitive data, prevent security breaches, and comply with local and international regulations. Companies that fail to adopt BPM solutions with these capabilities risk financial penalties and reputational damage.


Featured solutions:


Bizagi: With strong integration of compliance and security standards, Bizagi is a BPM platform that ensures data protection while optimizing key processes.


As we move into 2025, BPM solutions will continue to evolve to adapt to an increasingly digital and dynamic business environment. Trends such as hyper automation, low-code focus, integrated customer experience, and advanced analytics will transform the way organizations manage their processes. Companies that adopt the most innovative BPM solutions will be better positioned to optimize their efficiency, improve customer experience, and comply with global regulations.


BPM platforms such as Camunda, Appian, Pega, IBM Business Automation Workflow, and Bizagi are leading this evolution, and organizations that invest in them will be able to maximize their operational performance in the years to come.


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