The use of mobile apps is closer and closer to excellent customer experience

June 18, 2021

Tags: IT Staff Augmentation

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mobile apps


The worldwide increase in mobile applications is notable, 80% of internet users have a smartphone (Smart Insights). As a company it is indispensable to take advantage of the existing innovative tools that help to retain the largest number of customers and attract new users as a strategy to contribute to meet the advantages of the company.


The good user experience results in excellent customer service. Unlike websites, a mobile application is available with just one click instantly. The user will only have to click the icon of the application to have the benefits of a faster way than a website opening a browser.


Developing a mobile application in your company will help you reduce resources, position your business organically, increase sales and efficiency in your customer service.

The first and last that the user handles during a day is his cell phone for any general use. If you have an application with access to your customers to view their statements, manage their products or services can send notifications about any changes or news keeping customers up to date on any incident or new information providing excellent customer service.


mobile apps


But, why does my company need a mobile application?

Best communication channel

A mobile application conveys the correct and optimized message to its users. It is estimated that apps account for 89% of mobile media time, with the other 11% spent on websites.



The availability of mobile applications is immediate, with a single download the user will have the application available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from anywhere in the world.


mobile apps


Optimized content

It will have a design and structure optimized for mobile devices with punctual information for users avoiding the overload of information and functionalities not required in reduced versions. You can count on unique accesses for your clients with exclusive information based on their interests. Avoid complying with the same functionalities of a website since within the application it will not be necessary to explain the history of the company, news history, among others. We will be able to fulfill the optimization of the content designing an exclusive application for our clients and a dynamic design for new users.



As an important point with a mobile application we will increase the loyalty of customers, you can send push notifications referring to the different profiles of your customers with payment reminders, news, new events about their interests, among others.


mobile apps

It is clear that having the updated tools will help us with the positioning and customer loyalty. We must take into account that when developing a mobile application you have to study the market and be clear the audience that we want to reach fulfilling the objective of the company with long-term strategies on new functionalities and updates that could have our mobile application.


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