Software Consulting Services

5 key tips to understand your nearshore company partner

June 18, 2021

Tags: IT Staff Augmentation

nearshore software development


Hiring an nearshore software development company for the very first time can be quite a challenge, especially when you realize you will be working with someone who is far away from you.


With the software outsourcing market growing everyday, and reaching an outstanding number of 64,3 billion US dollars only on revenue, according to Statista, and with more companies from all over the world choosing to join in on the movement, is not surprise you’re finding yourself in the middle of a software outsourcing relationship.


So, as a nearshore software development company ourselves, we want to help you understanding your software developer partner in the hopes of creating a much more pacific and healthy work relationship for the both of you.



nearshore software development


5 key tips to understand your nearshore software development partner

1: Understand that communication is key in nearshore software development

We have a full on article about this, that you check out here first, and then continue with this blog. In that article, we talk about how important communication really is in a relationship as unique as this one.


That being said, it has been proven that communication does affects productivity in the workplace, so much so, it could slow down a whole project just because the two sides aren’t communicating effectively.


If you don’t believe us, just take a look at the study made by Gallup, in which they show the importance of well managed work group projects, and how poor communication and bad managed can decrease productivity on a 50%


When carrying on a working relationship with a nearshore software development company, establishing healthy communications channels from the very first moment is a must that will help YOU have better control over your project.


nearshore software development


Think about it, setting the right communications channels and how often you two will maintain conversations about the project will help you understand how your it outsourcing services partner is handling everything, and keep an eye on the state of the project the whole moment, plus, you’ll be doing us a favor.


As a nearshore software development company ourselves, we value and appreciate effective communication, since it also help us understand you, what you want, how you want it, and when.


2: Not everyone in the team is an expert software engineer

This is a very important topic we can't stress enough, which is why it is important to mention it again, since it seems like a lot of companies that aren’t familiar with the software development world have this exact same thought.


Believe it or not, not everyone on the team is an expert software engineer or senior developer with a fancy degree. Yes, those people exist and play a huge role on software outsourcing, but chances are the team you’re working with is composed from both software engineers and regular people.


Let us explain. When you hire a nearshore software development company, it is very likely that their teal will be composed by several people, amongst which there will be the Project Managers and head engineers, all experts and certificated professionals. Learn more about where can you find a good nearshore software development company?


nearshore software development


However, there will also be software developers that don’t necessarily have a degree, but that are extremely good at what they are. Understand this does not affect the quality of the job, but rather is a common factor in this industry.


As long as there is a balance on the nearshore team, and that you are comfortable with who you are working, then there is absolutely nothing to worry about.


3: You need to keep them engage

Working with a nearshore software development company is pretty similar to managing any other work team inside of your company, meaning they can still lose interested if you do not keep them engaged.


Here is when a good communication and clear working points become even more important. You see, to keep your software outsourcing team motivated, you have to take time and set the key points of your relationship straight from the very first minute, plus offering different incentives.


We have a full report on how to encourage your offshore development team and how to create a better working environment for the two of us that you can read here. We truly recommend it, specially if you’re about to embark on such a working relationship with another company.


nearshore software development


4: Software outsourcing takes time, be patient!

Of course this heavily depends on the type of project you need to get done. If you just need a simple, not too complicated Web page solution, chances are the project can get done in a few weeks.


But if you need a much more complex web and mobile solution to help you automate several internal or external processes, then we could easily be talking about months.


Pushing your it outsourcing services partner to work everyday and every night to reach a goal that is not realistic will only result on instant burnout, which is something extremely common, especially when you realize 67% of employees feel burnout on when carrying jobs like this.


It is vital for you to listen to your nearshore software development company and understand these processes take time, but once they job is done, the results are completely worth it, that’s for sure.


Look at the digital solutions we can create for your business

5: You are not their only client

Nearshore software development companies will do their very best to meet your expectations and deliver exactly what you asked and even more, however, you have to understand you are not their one and only client.


This in no way means your company and project isn’t a priority, it is, but it’s one that’s being handled accordingly and that will take time to fully develop (again, check out our previous tip).


nearshore software development


Just think about it. According to a report made by Nearshore Americas, the number of companies from the US that used to outsource their services back in 2013, and the ones outsourcing their processes now, had doubled up! Meaning software outsourcing companies are dealing with even more clients than before.


With that in mind, it is vital for you to understand your nearshore software development partner can’t be behind the screen always ready for you. Yes, they will take care of your projects, yes, you’ll get everything done on time, but comprehension and giving them space to work will go a long away.


If you still have doubts on how to carry on such a working relationship, feel free to contact us at any time, we will answer all of your questions and will be ready to work for you immediately.


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