
Cloud Computing

Get your business on the cloud.

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area of expertise

Our cutting-edge solutions ensure seamless scalability, enhanced security, and unparalleled performance.

area of expertise

Companies that trust our work

Rootstack Cloud Computing Services


Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

Provides virtualized computing resources over the Internet, including virtual machines, storage, and networking.


Platform as a Service (PaaS)

Provides a platform that allows customers to develop, run, and manage applications without having to deal with the underlying infrastructure.


Software as a Service (SaaS)

Delivers software applications over the Internet on a subscription basis, eliminating the need for businesses to install, maintain, and update software locally.


Database as a Service (DBaaS)

Provides cloud database hosting and management services, offering features such as automated backup, scaling, and maintenance.


Why work with Rootstack?

  • expertise area
    While our experts take care of backend development, the rest of our team will focus on UX.
  • expertise area
    We help your company in multiplatform development, increasing its reach.
  • expertise area
    We handle the most modern tools for backend and frontend development.
  • expertise area
    We react quickly to code issues thanks to our +14 years of experience.

Main Cloud Computing Technologies


Amazon Web Services (AWS)


Microsoft Azure


Google Cloud


Microsoft Azure SQL Database

Why hire cloud computing experts?

Reduce costs

The cloud is safe



Disaster recovery

Greater data mobility

Improve access to systems

Guide the projects

Read more success stories

These are some of the solutions we have for your business needs

Creation of web application to interconnect medical laboratories
Rootstack helped Spivey with a team of expert engineers working on creating a web application for medical laboratories.
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These are some of the solutions specially designed for your needs

loyalty programs
We are experts in developing loyalty programs that boost business.
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oficina virtual
We create virtual offices so you can optimize your processes and offer better service.
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pos system
We are experts in implementing point-of-sale systems that boost business.
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We are experts in the development of intranet apps that improve the agility of companies.
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