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5 Reasons automated testing is great for big software projects

June 18, 2021


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automated testing


Automated testing refers to the process of using specialized software to automate the testing of code, a task traditionally handled by developers or QA engineers. This method involves using automation tools and test cases to reduce the time spent on exploratory tests while improving the overall accuracy and coverage. Automated testing is a crucial component of the Agile software development methodology, focusing on testing code at three different levels: unit level automation, API testing, and UI testing. By implementing automated testing, software development companies can make their testing processes quicker and more effective.


Testing is a significant part of the software development process and plays a vital role in Agile methodologies. Therefore, automating this process is an excellent choice for many companies looking to improve their internal operations. However, transitioning from manual testing to automated testing can be a big step for some companies. To help you understand the benefits, we’ve outlined the five main reasons why you should consider automated testing, especially if you’re handling large development projects.


5 Reasons automated testing is great for big software projects

1. Integration with Manual Testing

Large software projects often require continuous testing by developers or QA engineers to ensure the software is functioning correctly. However, even with constant testing, errors can still occur. Automated testing can be integrated with manual testing, allowing the software to test your project after it has been manually tested, ensuring that no errors were missed. This means that projects that have already undergone manual testing can still benefit from automated testing, as it can quickly detect errors that manual tests might have missed.


automated testing


2. Reusable Scripts

The scripts used in automated testing are reusable, even if the operating system version changes. This allows you to run the same tests multiple times without the need to create new scripts each time. The reusability of these scripts ensures that you can efficiently retest the same areas of a project, making sure no steps are overlooked.


3. Reduced Staffing Costs and Human Resources

Although automated testing requires a test automation engineer to write the necessary scripts and run the software, only one person is needed. This reduces the need for multiple people to repeatedly run the same tests, thereby lowering both testing and staffing costs.


automated testing


4. Quicker and Easier Bug Detection

One of the most significant advantages of automated testing is the ability to identify bugs early in the development process. By running scripts on large software development projects, you can quickly find and fix errors, which reduces both software expenses and working hours.


5. Flexibility in Test Execution

Automated testing allows you to start tests whenever you want and review the results, reports, and insights at your convenience. Additionally, you can run simultaneous tests on multiple devices, enabling you to obtain comparative reports in a short amount of time.


If you want to learn more about automated testing or are considering outsourcing this process, contact us at Rootstack. Our team of expert software engineers is ready to assist you.