Defining a Robust Cybersecurity Strategy

June 18, 2021

Tags: Managed Teams



All businesses handle sensitive information online and have complex digital infrastructures that need solid protection from undesired threats. The digital world keeps on expanding and activities from banking to education, shopping and healthcare to name a few are becoming more deeply ingrained in this environment, especially amidst the Coronavirus pandemic.


Thus it is essential for all organizations to plan cybersecurity policies and strategies accordingly in order to avoid malicious attacks and potential vulnerabilities that may result fatal. In this article, we’ll explore some key considerations to have in mind when defining the best cybersecurity path for your business. Let’s begin.


Defining a Robust Cybersecurity Strategy


Your starting point


First things first, you should begin by assessing your current security situation. Think about your assets, policies, plans, playbooks, third-party providers, and anything you can think about that relates to how your company currently operates. This comprehensive list will present you with a clear scenario and help you move forward to the next actionable steps.




Your risk exposure


The next step is being aware of the specific risks your company is exposed to. This will depend on your particular activities and processes and cannot be compared fully to other businesses, although you may find some similarities. For example, if you are a banking institution, you know you handle very sensitive financial information and personal identification data that needs to be secured at all times. The same goes for a company that stores health records or any private information that can only be presented with authorized access.


Once you recognize the particular risks that concern your business, rank them so as to be clear which of them should be prioritized and which of them can be understood as inevitable.


Creating an investment plan


Now it’s time to assess how much money you can actually invest in your cybersecurity strategy. Your main focus should be on performance and reliability, on choosing tried and true solutions and working with certified professionals and partners. Maybe your best option is going with off the shelf products. Or maybe you should look out for a technology solutions company that can develop a custom-made solution that is tailored to your specific needs. Whatever the case may be, always keep in mind the ROI for your business.




Learning from your competitors


Although your cybersecurity plan will be unique to your business, you can always learn from close competitors in your field and this may save you some headaches along the way. Be attentive to other companies' incidents, mistakes and how they tackled them to learn from their experience. Take this as a prevention roadmap that will help you to remain vigilant to the most crucial threats your business may face.


Taking action


With an in-depth understanding of your current situation, you are now prepared to move forward. It’s time to define which path will lead you to strengthen your cybersecurity protocols knowing in detail in which areas you should improve and which actionable steps you should take. Ask yourself questions like do you need to hire new cybersecurity professionals? Do you need to work with an expert vendor? Do you need to update your current software? When you complete this step, you can say that this process is completed, for the time being.


An ongoing effort


With digital transformation accelerating at impressive speeds, protecting your business from cyber threats is crucial. Take the necessary time to make a comprehensive assessment of your cybersecurity practices, take the required measures to correct them, and remember to check back periodically on the most updated recommendations to keep your business up to speed.


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