Software Consulting Services

Rootstack taught about DevOps in a virtual workshop

September 24, 2021

Last Wednesday, September 8, the online workshop "Introduction to DevOps" was held, dictated by the Rootstack team, led by one of our Senior Full Stack Developer / Devops Engineer, with great assistance and the valuable collaboration of the Technological University of Panama.


With the UTP making its different streaming media and social networks available, the workshop was broadcast live through the YouTube channel of the Faculty of Computer Systems Engineering, where there was an attendance of more than 30 people, among students of the university and people interested in the subject.


Our Devops expert


In the workshop, our developer made use of his deep knowledge of DevOps to offer a presentation full of relevant information, ideal for anyone who wants to enter this field, in addition to clarifying some doubts raised by listeners.


Rootstack thus continues its work hand in hand with university institutes in Panama and in other Latin American countries, seeking to promote the education of different technologies and updates in the field of programming and development. In addition, offering a workplace where new Software Engineers can exploit their talent.

Topics covered in the workshop about DevOps


Several points were discussed in the workshop, including: what exactly is DevOps, the role it plays within the development process, as well as offering several practical examples for a better understanding of those present at the workshop.


Several questions that the attendees had were answered, demonstrating a high knowledge management on the part of our developer, who has more than seven years of experience working with technologies such as Python, Laravel, Symfony, Javascript and Vue.js.




Benefits of having a DevOps in your company


With another workshop already in preparation, you may be interested in participating in it but do not have adequate knowledge of what DevOps means, so we will give you a short summary of what this process is.


According to the definition given by Microsoft, DevOps is a compound of development (Dev) and operations (Ops), translating this as the union of people, processes and technology to provide value to customers on an ongoing basis.


This process is one that can bring valuable benefits to all companies that apply it. Among the most relevant are:


  • Faster and more frequent delivery of updates and features, which will not only satisfy customers, but also help your company take a firm position in a competitive market.
  • Collaboration between development and operation teams and frequent capture of user feedback leads to a significant improvement in product quality.


There is also the power to automate repetitive tasks. DevOps has greater benefits compared to the traditional model, as it helps detect and correct problems quickly and efficiently.


One of the benefits is the possibility of lowering production costs. With the right collaboration, DevOps helps lower your departments' production and administration costs, as both maintenance and new updates are bundled into a single, broader framework.

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