How IT outsourcing services free up internal teams

July 18, 2023

Tags: IT Staff Augmentation

it outsourcing services


As the technology market evolves by leaps and bounds, companies' internal teams struggle to keep up with changing demands. This generates a complex work environment, as it causes more stress for employees, decreases productivity, increases errors, and increases the risk of system vulnerability.


In this type of context, there are a couple of options that organizations can choose to solve the problem: hire more internal staff to reinforce the team or hire temporary and external resources to support a specific project or solve a problem. particular. Many companies have chosen the second option, hiring IT outsourcing services.


it outsourcing services


How IT outsourcing services free internal teams from work

It is completely normal for the internal teams of companies to face tons of work when a new product or software is in full development, during vacation or Christmas times. Also when there are few qualified personnel to perform any task within a project. In each of these situations, IT outsourcing services can make a difference.


Companies use IT outsourcing services to free internal teams from a number of tasks, including:


Technical support

Companies can hire IT outsourcing services to delegate technical support tasks, which frees up internal employees to focus on other, less routine tasks of greater strategic value to the business.


“Since most companies don't focus on IT support, but instead focus on other aspects like product innovation, it makes sense to outsource your technical support. Outsourcing technical support will allow you to focus on your core product and what you do best”, they detailed in a Time Doctor article.

it outsourcing services


System maintenance

An IT outsourcing team can also take care of maintaining your computer systems, ensuring that they are always up-to-date and operating optimally. They may handle code reviews to identify and fix bugs, code updates, run system tests, and provide technical support.


Software development

Of course, IT outsourcing services inject companies with greater potential when developing a software product for the following reasons: they provide qualified personnel with specific skills for the project, and they make the software development cycle much longer. faster and more efficient. Hiring is temporary, so organizations save money and avoid the red tape of direct hire.


it outsourcing services


Security of the information

The aspect of computer security is vital for the proper functioning of a company's systems. Many times, having a team dedicated exclusively to the security area is very expensive, so they can hire IT outsourcing services to take care of these tasks. In addition, these providers usually have experienced profiles, which will help you protect your data in the most modern and strategic way possible.


In what kind of situations is it appropriate to hire IT outsourcing services?


  • When your company is growing rapidly

As your business grows, you may not have the internal resources to deal with emerging IT needs. IT outsourcing services can help you scale your IT operations without having to hire more in-house staff.


  • When your company is experiencing changes in technology

The world of technology is constantly changing, and it can be difficult for companies to keep up with the latest trends. Through IT outsourcing services, you will be able to implement new IT solutions quickly and smoothly.


An IT outsourcing service provider is capable of “redesigning the digital journeys” of a company, so that it always leads to improvement and innovation, they point out in a McKinsey article. They support digital transformation through optimization, digitization, automation and the elimination of manual work.

it outsourcing services


  • When your company is concerned about the security of its information

Information security is an important issue for all businesses, but it can be especially difficult for companies that don't have the internal resources to manage it properly. IT outsourcing services will help improve your IT security posture by providing the latest security solutions and the best security talent.


“The leading IT outsourcing service providers know that they need to be familiar with the latest tools and solutions and as such they keep up with modern trends. Having to keep an internal team trained on the newest products and systems is time consuming, and continuing education is generally not free”, they emphasized in a Security Magazine article.


  • When your company needs access to specialized talent

Your company may not have the in-house talents to perform certain IT tasks, such as software development or network management. An IT outsourcing team provides specialized talent that can help you accomplish these tasks.


“According to management consulting firm Korn Ferry, technology leaders in China and the United States face an incredible shortage of IT skills. IT outsourcing services become even more important for further development (...) That is why outsourcing markets are continually growing as IT outsourcing service providers help manage that growing demand”, they indicated in an article on the Develop way portal.

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  • When your company needs to reduce costs

IT outsourcing can help you reduce your IT costs by freeing you from the burden of managing and maintaining your own IT equipment.


In general, IT outsourcing can be a great way for companies to improve their performance and productivity. If your company is considering IT outsourcing, I recommend that you contact several providers to find out more about their services and prices.


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