Web Development Services

3 Benefits of Offshore software development

June 18, 2021

Tags: IT Staff Augmentation

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A couple of years ago, IT outsourcing services weren’t as popular as they are today. Mostly because there were just a few companies that were focused on creating an online presence, for what they needed software assistance.


However, that’s not the case today. With technology, changes camed, and now having a strong online presence has become one of the most important factors every company and enterprise should have in mind.


But what do they do when they don’t have the resources to come up with a software solution? What do they do when they need to develop a software either for themselves or for their public? They go for software development outsourcing.


Whether you believe it or not, the outsourcing market has grown exponentially, with the demand for tech talent specialists growing more everyday, enterprises had to change the way they recruited new team members, and started looking outside their own country.


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And with the IT sector continuing to expand, expecting a 5,0% growth for this year, it is only natural companies that aren’t familiar with the IT industry to resource to it outsourcing services to get the software solutions that they need, without having to compromise their time, costs and workforce.


That being said, jumping into a working relationship with a software development outsourcing partner shouldn’t be something that is taken lightly. You have to think about the pros and the cons, and take out the major benefits this will bring to your company.


Pros of Offshore Software Development

Let’s start talking about the good side of offshore software development outsourcing which are the pros. The very first thing you should know is that there are three main pros of choosing this type of outsourcing: Cost cutting, talent pool and productivity. Let’s take a deeper look into each one of them.


1. Effective cost cutting

Lowering your costs rates and getting a great software solution for a much lower cost than you would get by hiring a regular software team is the number one reason people choose to go offshore software development.


It outsourcing services usually have a much lower costs overseas than in the USA or Canada. Not only because outsourcing providers usually charge cheaper, but because you aren’t investing on infrastructure either.


Basically, by choosing to work with an offshore software development provider you are reducing two major costs: One, salaries, and two infrastructure costs. Not only you won’t have to deal with having to pay salaries plus benefits, but you won’t have to invest on all the necessary hardware and software equipment that it takes to build a software solution.


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2. Access to a bigger talent pool

This refers to the process of searching and recruiting for a new team. If you limit your search to software providers within your own region, you are lowering your chances to find the perfect provider that meets your expectations.


On the other hand, opening up to the idea of offshore software development allows you to search and find great IT outsourcing services, having access to an even bigger talent pool.


Offshore software development removes the unnecessary trouble of having to go through the long process of recruiting, interviewing and finally hiring a company, making this whole thing much quicker and effective, allowing you to work alongside expert software developments from across the world.


3. Increase productivity

Hiring it outsourcing services represents many benefits for your company. You see, since you aren’t investing on a full in-house software development team, nor making your current workforce work on something they aren’t experts on, you get to focus on core business tasks and therefore increase your company’s productivity.


By choosing to work with an offshore software development team you are giving room to your workforce to keep on working on their regular tasks and give their all to achieve their goals, without having to worry to deal with a complicated software process.


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Cons of Offshore software development

Just like they are pros to go for the it outsourcing services method, there are also cons that can directly affect the software development process. Although they are avoidable, you need to be aware of these cons.


1. Time zones

The one factor that worries most companies when choosing to outsource their software development processes are the different time zones that can be present between your company and the offshore software development company.


This is important when choosing your outsourcing partner, since you should always look for a country that doesn’t have such a drastically different time zone that could potentially damage the communication between you and your outsourcing partner.


2: Language barrier

Nowadays, thanks to globalization, most companies around the world can communicate efficiently in English, which significantly cuts the language barrier that most of the time stops companies from resourcing to it outsourcing services.


However, you still need to be conscious about the company you end up choosing, and make sure they can clearly communicate with you on a formal matter, this way you will avoid any potential miscommunication problems.


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Top 3 benefits of offshore software development

Now that you have seen the pros and cons of software development outsourcing, it is time to talk about the undeniable three top benefits, which are: Saving money, time and having access to the top technologies.


Like we previously said, working with an offshore software development company instantly saves your company money and time, since you won’t have to pay high salaries, benefits or investing on new infrastructure.


But perhaps the most important benefit isn’t about time, or money, is about the technology. You see, there are amazing IT outsourcing services that work with the top technologies to develop your project.


This gives you access to the very best software technologies and solutions possible, assuring nothing but the best hardwares and softwares are being used to develop your project.


Without a doubt, the benefits of offshore software development surpass by a lot the cons, specially when you take the time to look for the perfect it outsourcing services.


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