
We write content in order to support and enable growth in the world's tech communities


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January 06, 2022
Tags: Technologies
When combined with Angular and React, it is done with the intention of building user interfaces.
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January 06, 2022
Tags: Technologies
With Vue.js, you can create user interfaces that are responsive and integrated with other supported technologies.
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January 05, 2022
Tags: Technologies
API is the acronym for Application Programming Interface, which is a software intermediary that allows two applications to communicate with each other.
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January 05, 2022
Tags: Technologies
Redux is an open-source JavaScript library that works to manage and centralize the state of an application.
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December 28, 2021
Tags: IT Staff Augmentation
January 03, 2022
Tags: Technologies, Tech Trends, IT Staff Augmentation
A closure is a structure of a function and its lexical environment, including the variables of the scope of the function at the time of the creation of the closure.
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