Reasons to invest in the design of your business website

June 28, 2021


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More and more people are shopping online. From food to clothing, jewelry, and medicine, almost all kinds of products and services can be purchased from company websites or e-commerce sites. This makes companies increasingly worry about offering a good user experience from their platforms, which leads the user to make a possible purchase and does not scare him away.


From 2014 to 2021, the number of people who buy on the internet has grown impressively: although 7 years ago the figure exceeded 1.34 million users, in 2021 there are already more than 2.14 million people who make their purchases online, according to data published by Statista and cited by the Oberlo portal. With this scenario, it is urgent that your company has a website to offer its products or that it improves and optimizes the one it already has online.


Likewise, the growth expectation of e-commerce businesses is quite high in the coming years: at the end of 2021, it is expected that 18.1% of purchases worldwide will be through e-commerce. This figure could rise to 22% in 2023, reflecting the great impact and expansion of online commerce around the world.


Reasons to invest in your business website design


With this context that we have just explained, it is more than evident the boost that a website or e-commerce with a good design can give your business to sell your company's products or services. Check out these compelling reasons to invest in the design of your company's website right now.


  • The website reflects the soul of the company


That your business has an optimal website is essential, since it reflects the company's own personality and work philosophy. If, for example, the website is obsolete, when users visit it, they may think that the product you sell is also obsolete. And nobody wants something outdated. Having a modern and functional website will inspire confidence in the company, as those who visit it will find it perfect to meet their needs.


  • Store available 24-7, greater accessibility


By creating a website for your company you will be able to attract and reach many more potential customers, by not being tied to the opening or closing hours of a physical store. An ecommerce can be active 24/7, offering the product catalog to users whatever the day and time they consult the website. This increases the accessibility of your products and can gradually boost sales.


Diseño web


  • Attract new leads


An ecommerce that has an optimized design for the user will be much more attractive and effective than a web portal that is limited only to being a showcase of the products that you sell in your physical store. A well-designed website, which offers the product catalog and also presents valuable content for the user, will undoubtedly be more effective in attracting new leads. For example, if the website is for a clothing store, the valuable content may be articles about which model of jeans you can wear if you are short or tall.


  • Online reputation is decisive when making a purchase


Users, before buying a product, first look for references of it on the Internet. That is why it is important to have an online presence and a good reputation on the Internet. How is this good reputation achieved? With a website structured in a functional way and with a responsive and user-friendly design. By generating a good user experience and allowing customers to leave their comments on the site, you will generate trust and a positive impact on potential customers, accelerating their purchase decision.


The design of your e-commerce website is extremely important: it can make the difference between a completed purchase or a purchase that was left on standby. For this task you should look for the most qualified software developers so that they adjust to your requirements and together build the online identity of your business.