The Pomodoro is a technique created by Francesco Cirillo in the eighties, which aims to work exclusively on a task without distractions, for one or more periods of time, separated by short breaks.
The name chosen for the technique has its origin in a tomato-shaped kitchen clock, in Italian called pomodoro, which Cirillo used to carry out this methodology that is still used today due to its proven effectiveness.
Work sprints for 25 minutes are the most important part of this technique, so it is advisable to follow these three rules and thus make the most of your time:
At Rootstack we believe that this technique will increase your motivation and productivity, working better in less time. You can improve task planning, increase your ability to concentrate and reduce mental fatigue. This technique can also be done in group tasks, agreeing to start working together with your teammate at the same time.
What are you waiting for? Start trying the Pomodoro Technique today.