Breakfast - All about Digital Banking

One of the priorities in the era of digital banking is to present itself to the user as a technological, digital and innovative entity. The transformation of banking along with new technologies has been total and of course, it has transformed the way it communicates with the experience of its customers. We are pleased to invite you to the annual breakfast on digital banking. We will be offered you a special space to talk about the implementation of an ESB (Mulesoft) in this organization. We will also provide issues such as security on the site, personalized content and automation, transparency and mobility, user behavior on the site, among other key points for this sector. ##**Breakfast room:** ###**Rootstack** - What are the factors that cause banks to digitize - Behavior of clients / prospects oriented to banking - As the complete digitization in a bank helps the ROE of a Increase bank - Typical solutions and errors in the solutions implemented in the banks (CRM, Service desk, Workflows, BPM's, EIM, ESB's, digital Wallets etc) - Connecting (integrating, synchronizing) all solutions so that there is a digital transformation in a bank - Steps to achieve a digitization - Questions, Answers ###**ESB Mulesoft** - Because implementing SOA-like applications (Restfull or with a service layer for integration) - How to integrate web solutions - Example of an ecosystem of solutions and how they are spoken among them - Simulation of an API's integration with Mulesoft and the Mulesoft API Designer - Conclusion and questions on how to start implementing the solutions in your company ##**Place:** Radisson Decapolis ##**Audience:** Exclusively for people who are part of banks and / or financial #Hope to see you there!
Time: 01:00 to 05:00
Registration: Open