Breakfast Meeting: Native Mobile Applications synched with Drupal

In a world where we're constantly moving, we can't afford wasting a single minute. We need to be able to work from our computers, and continue doing what we were doing on from our mobile devices and tablets. A mobile revolution has begun for this reason, allowing users around the world to access work documents, make payments from their bank accounts, or make dinner reservations at their favorite restaurant, regardless of their location. Join us for a breakfast meeting on Tuesday, August 7th, where we will discuss the advantages and the ease of integrating your mobile applications with Drupal. We will also discuss in depth the [Services]( module, a solution that allows the integration of our Drupal-developed project with external applications. Topics to cover: - Intro to Drupal and its mobile app architecture. - Services, a module that allows us to integrate Drupal with external applications. - Case studies of a mobile application integrated with Drupal.
Time: 12:30 to 02:00
Registration: Open