Comparison of top ESBs in the market

As a secure CTO you are looking to connect the technological ecosystem of your company, that is why we want you to accompany us to show you how to integrate / connect data, applications and devices with an ESB platform or custom API. An Enterprise Service Bus or ESB is the technology that allows developers to integrate different platforms so they can work together, adding value to the application itself. Here at Rootstack we know the benefits of implementing API-oriented software, since it allows us to work with reusable tools. For this we have designed, based on our experience in integration projects, a comparison between the main ESBs of the market. Meet our agenda - Basic concepts - Comparison criteria - Comparison of ESB (Mulesoft, JBoss, WSO2, Oracle) Speaker: Alejandro Oses / CEO of Rootstack Date: June 20th, 2019 Time: from 8:00 AM to 10:00 AM Place: Rootstack, Panama.
Time: 08:00 to 10:00
Registration: Open