Let's talk about E-commerce

Currently, e-commerce represents one of the most important sales channels for any company. In our coffee time, we will talk about the most important points and the main factors that you must take into account when implementing an e-commerce platform. The experts from Credicorp Bank who will give us more details of how payment gateways work in e-commerce and their business cases. Check our points! These are some points that will we talk that day: - What is an e-commerce? - Traditional businesses vs e-commerce (Advantages and disadvantages) - Why implement an e-commerce platform? - Types of E-commerce - Types of architecture to implement an e-commerce - Types of technology - Functionalities when building your e-commerce solution - How a payment gateway works in an e-commerce platform Our speakers! - Juan Daniel Flores / People manager Place: Credicorp Bank, Omanco Building in front of Plaza Regency, 8th floor
Time: 08:30 to 10:00
Registration: Open