Marketing Automation and Digital Transformation

Being up to date with marketing technology is essential for commercial modernization. Especially in the digital age of today, where automation is the core of any business environment. Marketing automation will remain an essential component of productivity for any company in every industry. On __September 26th__ we will be dictating the conference: *"Marketing Automation and Digital Transformation"*, directed by __Alejandro Oses__, CEO of Rootstack. This will take place at __the AMCHAM Panama auditorium__ from __8:00 AM to 11:00 AM__. __Content:__ - 10 main points of digital marketing strategies that every CMO should know. - Understanding digital transformation of medium / large companies with practical cases. - Solving 4 pain points of clients with marketing automation, case study with Mautic. __Free attendance with previous registration (limited places)__
Time: 08:00 to 11:00
Registration: Open