Webinar: Optimize sales with Rootnet CRM!

We invite you to participate in this explanatory Rootnet CRM Webinar where we will be explaining in detail the sales force module, which optimizes the process of identifying and converting potential customers to clients in your organization. Within this module are sub-modules such as: sales, sales performance, business opportunities and sales support. The topics will be: - Weekly and monthly Scheduling Tasks - Sprints - Goals per user - Monitoring sales pipeline - Analytical performance / sales performance - Business opportunities Sign up for this totally free event, where we will highlight the benefits of this robust tool! [Click here to access the WebEx portal and attend this webinar](https://meetings.webex.com/collabs/#/meetings/detail?uuid=M14JF0TY4XB53RVGZ37WCUIM0A-DR3L&rnd=537756.25038)
Time: 04:30 to 05:00
Registration: Open