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Digital signatures vs Electronic signatures

Digital signature vs Electronic signature

Among all the procedures that have been digitized, there is also the signing of documents. If before the signature was only produced in writing and in person, now the digitization of signatures is a day-to-day thing. The pandemic, without a doubt, accelerated the adoption of this type of solution, since companies had to find a way to continue with their businesses without being able to meet or work in person.


But are digital signatures and electronic signatures the same?


When we talk about digital signatures, it is a digital signature – as its name indicates – that is made by means of an electronic device. It is an encrypted process, which cannot be violated. Each signatory will be able to access the document by means of passwords and authentication mechanisms to guarantee maximum security when stamping the digital signature.


In contrast, an electronic signature “allows a person to consent to or show approval of the content of a document. Electronic signatures can take several forms: the person's typed name, an uploaded image of the person's cursive signature, or a signature drawn on the screen of a smartphone or tablet. Some electronic signatures use digital identifiers to verify that the person signing a document is who they say they are”, they explained on the BOX portal.


And they emphasize the differences of each term: “The terms digital signature and electronic signature may seem synonymous, but they are not the same and should not be confused. One way to understand the difference is that all digital signatures are a type of electronic signature, but not all electronic signatures are digital signatures.


“In its simplest form, an electronic signature provides a way for someone to attach their name to a document. Digital signatures go a step further and confirm that the person signing is who they say they are.

What are the benefits of electronic signature?
  • They are reliable, since it guarantees the reliability of the signature and that the document has not been modified after the signature.
  • An electronic signature can be made from anywhere in the world, without location or time limits, essential for this time of remote work.
  • No one else will have to wait hours or days for a signature, since the electronic signature can be done in a few minutes and very easily.
  • Your company will save on paper and you will also be kind to the environment.
Is it safe to use digital signatures?

A quite logical concern is the security of the documents when making a digital signature. You can rest easy, since digital signatures are protected by several layers of security and authentication, which guarantee that only the signer will be able to access said document. These digital signatures include signature completion certificates as well as document tamper-evident seals, DocuSign explained.

Do digital signatures provide confidentiality?

Digital signatures provide security, since the documents cannot be intervened or modified by anyone who is not authorized, in terms of confidentiality, it is also guaranteed.


“Confidentiality is assured as a result of the digital signature. That is, once the browser validates the signature, it trusts the server and uses the server's public key to encrypt the messages, thus ensuring confidentiality", they assured in the photo of the Stack Exchange portal.