retail software development


Redux is an open-source JavaScript library that focuses on administrating

and checking the current status of an application.

Redux services for companies

mobile apps
Predictable state management

Centralizes the state of the application, ensuring consistent behavior.

Cross-platform compatibility

Works in client, server, and native application environments.

it asset management
Advanced debugging

Offers tools such as live editing and debugging with change history.

Flexible Integration

Easily integrates with libraries like React or Angular to create robust user interfaces.

Redux Key Features


Centralized State Management




Unidirectional Data Flow


Efficient Debugging

Our Selection Process

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    Ease of testing

    Choose your templating engine to match your production environment better. Also, you can or build a plugin to extend Pattern Lab's capabilities even further.

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    It supports easy coding

    Pattern Lab lets you include UI patterns inside each other like Russian nesting dolls. Make a change to a pattern, and see those changes reflected anywhere the pattern is included.

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    It's very small

    Spin up Pattern Lab loaded with frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, or Material Design. But also start from scratch and build your custom design system.

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    You can use it along with other libraries

    Pattern Lab can be used for simple rapid prototyping or for developing production-level frontend code. Some teams have even modified it to power their live sites.


Let's work together!