Top things to know when integrating Shopify with an ERP



Technology advances faster every day precisely to make our lives easier and improve the workflow in companies. We spend all day between hundreds of tasks, managing aspects of finance while managing human resources. While this is common in any company, what you shouldn't normally see are delays or disorganization in handling data between departments.


Disorganization and zero planning, in the end, lead companies directly to failure, preventing them from reaching the expected goals. An ERP software can steer you away from this path.


“ERP stands for enterprise resource planning. It is software that manages a company's finances, supply chain, operations, trade, reporting, manufacturing, and human resources activities," Microsoft explained on its website, making it clear that it is one of the tools and more modern opportunities that companies have. taking advantage of today.






  • What is ERP?
  • What is Shopify?
  • What are the aspects that should be considered when integrating an ERP with Shopify?
  • Benefits of integrate an ERP with Shopify


In this whitepaper we are going to explain the aspects to consider when you want to integrate a company's ERP with Shopify and thus connect it with the e-commerce store. Inventory and user experience are just some of the important parts to work on.



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