Software Testing & QA Services

Benefits of Validated ID in Public Administration

September 12, 2024

Tags: IT Staff EN 2024

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Digitalisation in public administration is a key process to improve efficiency, reduce costs and increase transparency in the management of services for citizens.


One of the tools that has gained relevance in this context is Validated ID, a digital identification solution that allows documents to be signed securely and legally. In this article, we analyse how Validated ID brings value to public institutions and how it is revolutionising the way they operate.


validated id


Benefits of Validated ID in Public Administration

1. Guaranteed Security and Regulatory Compliance

One of the main advantages of Validated ID is its ability to guarantee security and compliance with legal regulations. In the context of public administration, where the handling of sensitive data is crucial, this tool allows entities to comply with regulations such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other specific legislation on electronic signatures.


The authenticity of documents signed through Validated ID is assured through advanced encryption, which reduces the risk of fraud and ensures that signatures are legally binding in multiple jurisdictions.


2. Improved Operational Efficiency with Validated ID

Public administration tends to rely on time-consuming manual processes, such as physically signing documents and filing them in paper form. Validated ID allows these processes to be digitized and automated, streamlining workflow and reducing waiting times for decision-making.


For example, electronically signing documents, which previously could take several days due to logistics, can now be done in a matter of minutes. This means less bureaucracy and more time spent on activities that generate value for citizens.


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3. Validated ID for Reduction of Administrative Costs

The use of paper, printing and physical storage of documents can generate considerable expenses in public administration. Implementing Validated ID helps to drastically reduce these costs by eliminating the need to manage documents in physical format.


In addition, by reducing the time needed to process documents, human resources are optimized, allowing staff to be assigned to more critical and less routine tasks. This, in the long term, implies considerable savings for public institutions.


4. Facilitating Remote Access and Digital Inclusion

In the age of digitalization, it is important that public administration is accessible to all citizens, regardless of their location. Validated ID allows citizens to interact with institutions remotely, facilitating the signing of official documents from anywhere and at any time.


This remote access is especially beneficial in rural areas or for people with reduced mobility, fostering digital inclusion. In addition, the flexibility offered by Validated ID is a key step towards making public administration more accessible and efficient in the modern age.


5. Sustainability and Reduction of Environmental Impact

Traditional paper document management has a negative impact on the environment, contributing to paper waste and the consumption of natural resources. By adopting Validated ID, public institutions can significantly reduce their ecological footprint.


Using electronic signatures eliminates the need to print documents and facilitates the transition to a more sustainable and digitalized administration. This is not only beneficial for the environment, but also improves the image of institutions as leaders in sustainable practices.


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6. Transparency and Traceability in Public Processes with Validated ID

Another important benefit of Validated ID in public administration is the improvement of transparency. With this solution, institutions can keep a detailed record of all interactions and signed documents, which facilitates traceability and control of processes.


This level of transparency is essential to ensure that the decisions and actions of public institutions are visible and aligned with current regulations, thus reinforcing citizens' trust in their governments.


7. Adaptability to Different Sectors and Document Types

Validated ID offers great versatility in adapting to the different needs of public administration. Whether for signing contracts, authorizations, financial documents or any other type of official document, the solution can be easily integrated into various workflows.


In addition, its interoperability with other document management tools facilitates integration into the existing systems of public institutions, without the need for large investments in technological infrastructure.


The implementation of Validated ID in public administration brings multiple benefits: from improving operational efficiency and reducing costs to ensuring security and regulatory compliance. In addition, it promotes sustainability and facilitates transparency in document management, something essential in any public institution.


Adopting this type of solution is a step towards the modernization of administrations and better provision of services to citizens.


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