Software Consulting Services

How to create an electronic signature to simplify the management of your documents

August 01, 2024

Tags: IT Staff Augmentation

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create an e signature


Efficiency and agility in document management are essential to the success of any business. One of the most effective tools to achieve this is the electronic signature. This article aims to guide managers and business leaders on how to create an e-signature, highlighting its benefits and the best way to implement it in your company.


crear una firma electronica


What is an Electronic Signature?

An electronic signature is a mechanism that allows people to sign documents digitally, eliminating the need for paper signatures. These signatures are not only legal, but they are also designed to be secure and verifiable.


Under legislation in many countries, electronic signatures have the same legal weight as handwritten signatures, as long as they comply with certain rules and regulations.


Benefits of using an Electronic Signature

  • Saving Time and Resources

Eliminating physical paperwork reduces the time needed to complete transactions. A process that could take days or weeks due to paper logistics can be completed in minutes with an electronic signature.


  • Greater security

Electronic signatures use advanced encryption technologies that ensure the integrity of the document and the authenticity of the signature. This means that any subsequent alterations to the document are easily detectable.


  • Accessibility

With electronic signatures, documents can be signed from anywhere in the world, which is especially beneficial for companies with globally distributed teams.


  • Sustainability

Reducing paper use contributes significantly to a company's sustainability initiatives, reducing its carbon footprint.


create an e signature


Steps to create an Electronic Signature

Create an electronic signature is a simple process that can be quickly implemented in any organization. Below are the key steps:


1. Select an Electronic Signature platform

The first step is to choose a reliable electronic signature platform. Some of the most popular ones on the market are DocuSign, Adobe Sign, HelloSign, and SignNow. When selecting a platform, consider factors such as ease of use, security features, cost, and compatibility with other systems your company uses.


2. Create an account

Once you have selected a platform, the next step is to create an account. This usually involves providing basic contact information and establishing a payment method if the platform is not free.


3. Set up your Electronic Signature

Most platforms allow you to create an electronic signature in several ways:

  • Manual Drawing: Using the mouse or finger on a touch screen.
  • Upload an Image: If you already have a scanned written signature, you can upload it directly.
  • Use a Predefined Font: Many platforms offer fonts that imitate handwriting.


4. Upload documents to sign

After setting up your signature, you can begin uploading documents to the platform for signing. These documents can be contracts, agreements, forms, among others.


5. Send for signatures

Once the document is ready, you can send it to other signers. Most platforms allow you to add multiple signers and set the necessary signing order.


6. Monitor and complete the Signature process

The platform will notify you when other signers have completed their portions, and you will be able to monitor the signing progress in real time. Once all signatures are complete, you can download the finished document and save it to your files.


create an e signature


Tips for a successful implementation of the electronic signature

  • Staff training:

It is essential to train your team in the use of new technology to ensure a smooth transition.


  • Pilot Tests:

Before implementing e-signature across your organization, conduct a pilot test to identify potential challenges and areas for improvement.


  • Integration with Other Systems:

Make sure the e-signature solution integrates well with other document management systems and workflows in your company.


  • Politics and procedures:

Establish clear policies on the use of electronic signatures, including procedures for handling sensitive documents.


Implementing e-signatures can transform the way your company handles documents, increasing efficiency, reducing costs and improving security. By following the steps and considerations mentioned in this article, managers and business leaders can confidently adopt this technology and ensure their organization remains competitive in an increasingly digital business environment.


Create an e-signature not only simplifies document management, but also drives digital transformation in your company, paving the way for a more agile and sustainable future.


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