Software Testing & QA Services

Keys to understanding and applying automated software delivery

June 04, 2024

Tags: IT Staff Augmentation

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automated software delivery


Automated software delivery has become an essential component for organizations looking to stay competitive in the dynamic world of technology. This approach allows development teams to release new features, updates and patches quickly and efficiently, significantly reducing the risk of bugs and increasing the quality of the final product.


To understand and apply automated software delivery, it is crucial to become familiar with key practices such as continuous integration, continuous delivery, and continuous deployment. These methodologies not only optimize the software development lifecycle, but also foster a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement within teams.


In this article, we will explore the main keys to successfully implementing automated software delivery, providing clear guidance to maximize its benefits in your organization.


automated software delivery


What is automated software delivery?

Automated software delivery is a set of practices and tools that automate the software integration, testing, and deployment process. This approach ranges from continuous integration (CI) to continuous delivery (CD) and continuous deployment, forming a fluid and efficient development cycle.


“The automated software delivery solution is identified for organizations seeking to reduce the complexity and increase the speed of continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery/deployment (CD) capabilities to deliver better software faster”, they explained in the GitLab documentation.


Continuous Integration (CI): It consists of frequently integrating the work of all developers into a shared repository, followed by automated testing to detect errors early.

Continuous Delivery (CD): Extends CI by ensuring that code that passes tests is ready to be deployed at any time.

Continuous Deployment: Automates the process of deploying software into production, allowing for frequent and reliable releases.


Keys to understanding automated software delivery

1. Test Automation

Automated testing is the core of automated software delivery. They allow you to run tests continuously to detect errors and problems at an early stage of development. There are several types of automated tests:


Unit Tests: Validate the behavior of individual software components.

Integration Tests: Ensure that different software modules or services work together correctly.

System Tests: Verify the behavior of the complete system in an environment that simulates production.

Acceptance Testing: Validates that the software meets the customer's requirements and works as expected.


Implementing a robust automated test suite is crucial to ensuring software quality and facilitating continuous delivery.


automated software delivery


2. CI/CD Pipelines

A CI/CD pipeline is a sequence of automated steps that transforms source code into a deployable final product. Typical pipelines include stages such as:


Code construction: Compiling and creating software artifacts.

Execution of automated tests: Unit, integration and system tests.

Deployment to test environments: Deployment to staging environments for additional testing.

Deployment to production: Final deployment in the production environment.


CI/CD pipelines allow problems to be quickly identified and resolved, reducing release time and improving development team efficiency.


3. Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

“Infrastructure as Code (IaC) allows you to manage and prepare infrastructure through code, instead of through manual processes. With this type of infrastructure, configuration files are created that contain the specifications it needs, making it easier to edit and distribute configurations. Likewise, it ensures that you always prepare the same environment”, they explained in the Red Hat documentation.


Tools like Terraform, Ansible, and CloudFormation make it easy to create and manage infrastructure in an automated way, ensuring consistency and reproducibility across all environments.


Implementing IaC is essential for an effective CI/CD pipeline, allowing you to configure and scale environments quickly and reliably.


4. Monitoring and alerts

Continuous monitoring of software in production is vital to quickly detect and resolve issues. Monitoring and alerting tools, such as Prometheus, Grafana, and ELK Stack, provide real-time visibility into software and infrastructure performance. Setting up automatic alerts for critical issues allows development teams to respond proactively and maintain system stability.


5. DevOps Culture

Automated software delivery is not just a technical issue; It also requires a cultural change. The DevOps culture encourages collaboration between development and operations teams, eliminating silos and promoting shared responsibility for the software lifecycle. Adoption of agile practices, continuous improvement, and open communication are fundamental aspects of a successful DevOps culture.


Keys to applying automated software delivery

1. Select the right tools

Choosing the right tools for CI/CD, automated testing, and IaC is crucial. Popular tools include Jenkins, GitLab CI, CircleCI, Travis CI for CI/CD; JUnit, Selenium, Cucumber for testing; and Terraform, Ansible, Puppet for IaC, explained on the DevOps portal.


2. Define clear processes

Establishing clear and documented processes for development, testing, and deployment helps ensure consistency and efficiency. Defining commit policies, code reviews, and branching strategies in the code repository is essential.


automated software delivery


3. Train the team

Providing adequate training and resources for the team to understand and adopt automated delivery practices is essential. Workshops, tutorials and detailed documentation can facilitate the transition and improve the adoption of new tools and methodologies.


4. Iterate and continually improve

Implementing automated software delivery is an iterative process. Continually evaluating processes, identifying areas for improvement, and adjusting practices as necessary ensures that the system evolves and improves over time.


Automated software delivery radically transforms the way organizations develop and deploy software. By understanding and applying key principles and practices, companies can improve software quality, accelerate release cycles, and respond quickly to market needs. Embracing automated software delivery is not only a competitive advantage, but a necessity in today's technology environment.


Do you need a software development team for your next project? At Rootstack, we have +14 years of experience supporting companies in their digital transformation. Contact Us.


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