The 15 most viewed websites in Panama

November 08, 2021

Tags: IT Staff Augmentation

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All web pages that live on the Internet - absolutely all of them - compete for the best positioning in search engines. This ensures that more users reach your website, which translates into more exposure for your company, your brand, and your products. If you want to increase sales, this positioning will help you a lot to achieve that goal that you have.


In the last 10 years, Internet access for Panamanians has grown exponentially. According to figures from the World Bank, in 2010 only 40% of the population used the Internet for their daily tasks. This changed radically in 2019, when this figure reached 65%, representing more than half of the country's inhabitants, a number that surely grew even more between 2020 and 2021, also due to the pandemic.



This type of indicator reflects the importance of a company being present on the Internet. In addition to being able to sell your products and services online, a website makes a company known: it strengthens the relationship with users and enhances its reputation. It also serves as a reference for those who are researching the brand or product itself.


What are the most visited websites in Panama?


There are certain web pages in Panama that are usually the favorite of users when browsing the Internet. All are related to the most immediate needs and information consumption habits. According to the Alexa ranking, these are the 15 websites with the highest traffic in Panama:


1. Google


Of course, Google is the main website visited in Panama since it is the search engine that allows users to find what they are looking for on the Internet. Many people go to Google to find an address, recipe, factual information or news of the day. The average connection of users per day is 17:24 minutes, time in which they visit at least 18.40 pages.




2. YouTube


Here the connection time is longer than Google, adding an average of 19.38 minutes. It is the main video platform in the world, where users can access videos of any kind, be they music clips or influencer channels, news channels, among others.


3. Facebook


According to data from the iLife Belt portal, in Panama there are more than 1.8 million Facebook users, which shows that it continues to be one of the most powerful social networks in this country, despite the emergence of other platforms such as Instagram or TikTok . It is the third most viewed website in Panama, with an average connection time of 17.60 minutes.


4. Amazon


It is the world's leading retail brand, according to Statista. Until December 2020, sales on Amazon generated a profit of 125 billion dollars, according to data reported by the same analytics and statistics firm. More than 200 million users are subscribed to its Prime program. And in Panama it is the fourth most visited website with an average connection time of 11 minutes.






It is one of the main banking institutions in Panama, whose website is the fifth most visited by users in the country. Average connection time is 10 minutes. It is the largest private bank in the country, with 76 branches and more than 600 ATMs, with offices in Costa Rica and representation in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Colombia and Peru.




6. Wikipedia


The Wikipedia website, the largest online encyclopedia that exists today, cannot be missing in this ranking. Almost absolutely anything users are looking for is already defined in this encyclopedia, which has 300 versions in different languages. Users spend an average of 3 minutes on this platform, accessing it through organic traffic 74% of the time.




The web pages of Panama related to the news field also have a place in this ranking prepared by Alexa. Telemetro is a Panamanian television channel, founded in 1981 and which has become a reference in the country. It has a web page where they publish the most important news of the moment, being one of the most preferred by the public since it is the seventh most visited website in the country. The time of permanence of the users in this web is of 13:34 minutes.






It is the most visited classified ad page in Panama and is in the eighth position of the ranking. Users spend around 12 minutes browsing this page and it is linked to more than 9 thousand websites. It is available not only in Panama but also in Costa Rica, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Colombia and Puerto Rico.


9. Instagram


If we have to talk about one of the social networks most used by users, in addition to Facebook, that is Instagram. Sharing life in images has become the fascination of Internet users. In Panama, it is the ninth website visited, browsing at least 8 minutes on the desktop version of this application. More than 6 million sites have links to Instagram.




It is the platform through which users enter their Outlook mail session, owned by Microsoft. Users spend at least 5:29 minutes on the desktop version of this platform. Until 2020, Outlook had more than 4 billion registered users.






At Microsoft, users can access the catalog of products the company makes, such as its high-performance Surface laptops. In addition, they can access details of the Windows operating system and its updates, as well as download and install the Office package. Users spend at least 4.38 minutes on this website.


12. Netflix


It is the most used streaming platform in the world, followed by others such as Prime Video, HBO Max, Apple TV +, among others also important in this area. It is linked to more than 54 thousand websites.


13. Zoom


Since Covid-19 broke out and became a pandemic, virtual meetings have become the norm and law. Zoom became the preferred video calling service for users around the world, allowing diverse groups of people to connect at the same time easily and without complications. On average, users spend 6:46 minutes connected to this platform, accessing it 16% of the time due to organic traffic.




14. Twitter


Twitter was born 15 years ago, one of the favorite social networks of those users who love to have a space to comment on day-to-day events, share photos and videos, and share experiences of all kinds. More than 12 minutes a day users spend on this website, which is linked to more than 6 million websites.




It is the second oldest television station in Panama, whose first transmission dates back to 1962. National Television has a web page where it broadcasts the channel's signal live, a platform in which users spend more than 7 minutes connected.




These are just some of the most visited websites in Panama, which reflect the consumption patterns of Panamanian users. On the one hand, they are interested in checking email and social media platforms, as well as video calling services and news websites.


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