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Benefits of hiring nearshore software development in Mexico

March 01, 2024

Tags: IT Staff Augmentation

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Nearshore software development in Mexico


In recent years, nearshore software development in Mexico has grown exponentially. This trend has been driven by a combination of favorable factors that have consolidated Mexico's position in the global technology market.


Firstly, the geographical proximity to the United States, the main technology market worldwide, has allowed North American companies to establish closer and more agile commercial relationships with their Mexican partners.


Nearshore software development in Mexico


Additionally, the highly skilled workforce and competitive costs compared to other nearshore destinations, such as India or China, have made Mexico an attractive option for outsourcing software development services.


Likewise, the growth and development of technological hubs in cities such as Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey have generated an ecosystem conducive to innovation and collaboration between local and foreign companies.


Context on nearshore software development in Mexico

Before we start talking about the benefits of a nearshore software development in Mexico, let's give you a little context about why Mexico has attracted the attention of companies looking for technological talent in that country.


At least 25% of university graduates in Mexico specialize in careers related to science and technology: in 2021, there were more than 3 million professionals in these areas, making the country an excellent cradle of talents for development nearshore software.


“The technology sector in Mexico has become an area of explosive growth in recent years, with an average annual growth rate of 10.5% between 2002 and 2018. This progress has been accompanied by a significant boost in exports, which indicates a strong connection with international markets”, they added in a LinkedIn article.


Nearshore software development in Mexico


In addition, Mexican governments have been characterized over the years by supporting research and technological development, promoting collaboration between the academic world and industry, providing financing opportunities for technological projects. All of this has laid the foundations that have boosted nearshore software development in Mexico.


In an article published by Stanford, Mexico has boosted the quality of higher education decade after decade: “When it comes to higher education, Mexico has established a large number of research institutions and universities, beginning in 1910 with the National University Autonomous Community of Mexico and for the last 50 years with institutions such as the Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute. established in 1961 and the Mexican Academy of Sciences established in 1959”.


Benefits of hiring nearshore software development in Mexico

Hiring a nearshore software development in Mexico offers a number of significant benefits for companies:


  • Geographic and cultural proximity

Mexico's proximity to the United States and other key regions facilitates communication and collaboration between nearshore software development teams and clients. Additionally, cultural similarity helps minimize linguistic and cultural barriers, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of collaboration.


Nearshore software development in Mexico


  • Supported time zone with nearshore software development in Mexico

The relatively small time difference from major US cities allows for significant overlap in business hours, facilitating real-time coordination with the nearshore software development company in Mexico and reducing response times.


  • Competitive costs 

Although the cost of labor in Mexico may be higher than in offshore destinations such as India or China, it is still considerably lower than in the United States or Europe. This allows companies to reduce their development costs without compromising the quality of work.


  • Qualified talent with nearshore software development in Mexico

Mexico has a large number of highly trained professionals in the field of technology and nearshore software development. Mexican universities produce a large number of graduates in careers related to computing and engineering, which guarantees a wide pool of talent to choose from.


  • Political and economic stability

Mexico has proven to be a stable environment both politically and economically compared to other developing countries. This provides a reliable framework for foreign investment and the continued operation of companies.


  • Technological infrastructure

Major Mexican cities have modern technological infrastructure that includes technology parks, innovation centers and high-speed Internet access, which facilitates the development of nearshore software and the delivery of high-quality technological solutions.


Hiring a nearshore software development in Mexico offers a unique combination of advantages, including geographic and cultural proximity, competitive costs, qualified talent, and stability, making it an attractive option for companies looking to outsource their development needs. of software.


Do you need nearshore software development in Mexico? At Rootstack, we have +14 years of experience supporting companies in their digital transformation. Contact us.


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