

We write content in order to support and enable growth in the world's tech communities


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December 20, 2021
Tags: Technologies, Tech Trends
The splash screen, or welcome screen, is a view or screen that is shown when the application is started for the first time
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December 20, 2021
Tags: Tech Trends, Technologies, IT Staff Augmentation
The last few months to years, trends in multiplatform mobile application development technology have been dominated by these two frameworks.
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December 17, 2021
Tags: Tech Trends, Technologies
React 18, as they named it, went from its Alpha state to beta and some developers in the community have already tested this latest update.
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December 17, 2021
Tags: Technologies, IT Staff Augmentation, Tech Trends
Hooks, or React's Link APIs, offer a new alternative to writing class-based components, or Class Components.
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December 16, 2021
Tags: IT Staff Augmentation
When working as a dedicated development team, effective communication is essential, more than anything else.
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December 16, 2021
Tags: Technologies
Salesforce has become one of the most demanded CRMs in the industry thanks to the functionalities it offers companies.
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