

We write content in order to support and enable growth in the world's tech communities


Some of our customers
December 30, 2021
Tags: Technologies, Tech Trends, IT Staff Augmentation
Props have an important function: they pass data from one component to another.
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December 29, 2021
Tags: Technologies
When we talk about Matrix in Python, we are referring to a specialized two-dimensional rectangular array of data, which is stored in rows and columns.
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December 29, 2021
Tags: Technologies
MongoDB is a document database, which means that it stores data in documents like JSON.
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December 28, 2021
Tags: Technologies
Continuous integration is the process of building automation that verifies each record in a shared repository.
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December 28, 2021
Tags: Technologies
Unit tests are generally written and executed by software developers to ensure that the code conforms to their design and behaves as intended.
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December 20, 2021
Tags: Technologies, IT Staff Augmentation
Inertia is not a framework, nor is it a replacement for your existing server-side or client-side frameworks.
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