Software Consulting Services

What is Alfresco and what is it used for?

What is Alfresco and what is it used for?

Managing documents doesn't have to be a headache for your teams, as there are digital solutions like Alfresco that provide tools for secure content management.


"Alfresco offers innovative content management solutions that connect, manage, and protect the most important information of the company, regardless of its location", explains the company on its website. It is an ideal solution for distributed or remote teams, as they will have their documents in one place, secure, and accessible to everyone.


More than 11 million people work directly with Alfresco, belonging to companies and organizations in more than 190 countries around the world. Why has it gained so much popularity? Because it offers an easy way for people to interact much faster with the information they need, which also helps companies respond to the risks and opportunities of the moment.


Benefits of Alfresco for companies


  • Increases team productivity.
  • You save costs.
  • Teams can standardize their processes.
  • Better access to information.
  • Preservation of documents over time.


Alfresco products


Alfresco Content Services (ECM)

Document management
Document scanning and capture
business collaboration
Alfresco Intelligence Services (AI)
Business intelligence, analysis and information
Process management
case management

Alfresco Process Services (BPM)

Alfresco Governance Services (RM)

Records Management
Information Lifecycle Management
Regulatory compliance
Security and controlled access
Electronic Discovery and Legal Holds
Federation and on-site management

Open source editions

Alfresco Cloud (PaaS)

What do people use Alfresco for?

Companies are interested in Alfresco because it allows them to store and organize documents, making it easy to find and collaborate across teams. Although Alfresco's main work is associated with document management, it also offers companies solutions for web content management, records management, collaborative work, business process management, among others.

Who uses Alfresco?

Alfresco is used by those companies, whether they are small, medium or large, that need to organize the management of their documents, centralizing the information in a single platform to facilitate access by the entire team.


"It allows companies to increase the productivity of workers, manage valuable information and offer exceptional experiences to customers," Alfresco says on its website. Companies like Cisco, Estrella Galicia and LexisNexis already use this platform.

What is Enterprise Content Management software?

An Enterprise Content Management software is a platform used to manage the entire life cycle of an organization's content, such as documents, images, contracts, etc. "The goal of an ECM solution is to reduce risk and improve productivity, efficiency and customer experience by eliminating paper-based tasks and improving process visibility", they explained on the Hyland portal.