Retail Technology Solutions

BPM for the Retail Industry: value for its features and benefits

BPM for the retail industry

Retail Sales Features That Will Gain Value From BPM


  • Sales Analysis


By implementing automation in the retail industry, all the data generated in the transactions can be used effectively when you want to launch a promotional offer, and new products and reduce the abandonment rate. BPM will make it possible to analyze consumer behavior in real-time and thus adapt offers to retain them as customers and even attract new consumers.


  • Demand and supply


Automation will enable the retail industry to optimize data, then run simulations to design a strategy that can successfully meet customer demand. Efficient sourcing is critical for every store that wants to stay ahead of the race to be the best.


  • Marketing plan and consumer behavior


Again, the data collection and analysis that applying a BPM tool to automate processes gives you is a treasure for the marketing department. Having a timely analysis gives the marketing team the power to make the appropriate decisions that give the store an advantage over the competition, in addition to being able to build a more efficient budget for campaigns.


  • Customer Support


24/7 customer support is vital to any business, especially in the retail industry. Automated processes are integrated with a CRM to help the store with customer registration and service at any time of the day. From subscriptions to resolving a complaint, everything can be done through BPM and keep the customer satisfied.


  • Return process


If there is a process in retail stores hated by customers, this is it. Returning a product can be tedious, full of steps and rules to follow that seem never-ending. By doing it manually, they end up spending even more than they initially paid for the product, by automating this process, mistakes will be avoided and the time it takes to complete it will be shortened.


  • Logistics and supply chain


The logistics that go into the supply chain and product replacement are critical processes in the retail industry. To achieve absolute efficiency, the transportation of products from suppliers to consumers, the maintenance of inventory, and the tracking of material shipments must be automated. Communication with suppliers and customers can be managed faster if BPM is applied.


Aside from the core features mentioned above, implementing BPM in the retail industry improves delivery tracking, invoicing, product launches, product categorization, ERP management, and more.


Benefits of BPM for the retail industry

Implementing a BPM tool in your store and automating daily internal and external processes will bring multiple benefits. The advantages that automation gives you, in addition to simplifying processes that can be chaotic, are the following:


  • More efficient workflows
  • Minimize company expenses
  • Improve profit margins
  • Have an automated inventory that is updated from time to time
  • Meticulous data collection
  • Making commercial decisions based on selective and previously analyzed data
  • Efficient use of the human workforce, focusing on customer service
  • Greater customer satisfaction
  • Improved quality control
Need for automation in the retail industry

The main objective of the retail sales industry is customer satisfaction. It is necessary and vital to achieving complete satisfaction so that the customer returns to the store, all this while managing dozens of internal processes that can capture the greatest attention and hours of work of the employees.


Initial purchases, returns or exchanges, use of gift certificates, coupons, special offers, and loyalty rewards – are all processes and tasks that employees in the retail industry must attend to on a daily basis, in parallel to giving proper attention to the customer, either online or in-store.


The BPM tool comes to play a very important role in this industry, where the need to automate its processes is increasingly vital. Letting software handle the day-to-day tasks that are performed both internally and externally allows employees to focus their full attention on the customer, keeping the customer happy and eager to make another purchase at the store.


Analyzing and rethinking the user experience, when each passing day demands more, is essential for the retail industry. BPM will allow us to offer a better service in the face of the rapid evolution of technology and today's voracious competition.