
We have experience in +50 technologies that will make your project the most efficient and successful.

Some of our customers


Bootstrap allows you to build responsive and functional web designs. It is a free, front-end framework, that comes with a structure of HTML and CSS standardized code that allows for a faster and simpler web page development process.

D3 js


D3.js is a JavaScript library that supports visualization and creative coding by manipulating documents based on data. D3's emphasis on web standards gives you all the capabilities of modern browsers without being tied to a proprietary framework.

Crisp Chat

Crisp Chat

Crisp.Chat makes it easy to track customer communications. It is a multichannel messaging platform that connects companies and clients, promoting closer and more effective communication between them.



Elasticsearch is one of the most relevant open-source search engines specifically made to be used by enterprises when checking up or searching for useful and vast amounts of data.



Think about Docker as a virtual container where developers can create and package their applications, knowing the app will practically work and run on any computer device. For millions of developers today, Docker is the de facto standard for building and sharing containerized applications, from the desktop to the cloud.



In detail, GraphQL it can be separated into two parts: the QL, which stands for Query Language or Query Language and this is nothing more than a syntax for querying data with specific parameters. 

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