

We have experience in +50 technologies that will make your project the most efficient and successful.



Snowflake is original, it combines an SQL query engine with an innovative architecture designed natively for the cloud. Snowflake provides the user with the functionality of an enterprise analytics database. Learn more about this technology here.

azure sql

Azure SQL

Build your next app with the simplicity and flexibility of a fully managed multi-model database. Its automatic update allows you to focus on the development of applications. Learn more about this technology here.



Think about Docker as a virtual container where developers can create and package their applications, knowing the app will practically work and run on any computer device. For millions of developers today, Docker is the de facto standard for building and sharing containerized applications, from the desktop to the cloud.



Cascading Style Sheets, or CSS for short is a style sheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML or XML.



Confluence is a tool that can be integrated to work with JIRA and is used to help work teams collaborate with each other and share their knowledge efficiently. Think of Confluence as an extensive database formed by knowledge and valuable information in which all your work team can not only access but actively participate. 



ERPNext is an open-source Enterprise Resources Planning software in charge of managing core business processes inside an easy-to-use interface to avoid transaction errors and enhance productivity.

Ready to take your company to the next level?