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We create videos about the technologies we handle and we share our experience.

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What is Playwright?

We tell you how with Playwright it is possible to create a page based on another
video in spanish with subtitles

QA Automation Selenium

We tell you what Selenium is, how it is used for test automation and how it works with languages like Java, C# and Python.

OCR Step by step

Take a step-by-step on how to automate repetitive tasks like reading documents.

Video in Spanish with subtitles


Uipath Community vs Uipath Licensed OCR

We tell you how technology like this can be used to automate repetitive tasks such as reading documents.

Video in Spanish with subtitles

Bring your ideas to life with Product Development


One of the most important stages in software development is Product Development, here we will tell you about the benefits and how we help you execute it.

What is Red Hat and what is it for?


Leading provider of open source business solutions, offers solutions which allow companies to work in different platforms and environments.

Ready to take your company to the next level?