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We were at MoveOn 2024! Rootstack sponsored one of the most important tech events in Panama

April 30, 2024

Tags: Technologies


Continuing with our presence at the most important technology events on the continent, Rootstack participated as a sponsor in MoveOn Panama 2024, one of the most prestigious technology conferences in the country.


On April 25, Alejandro Oses and Diego Tejera, CEO and CTO of Rootstack respectively, led the company's team that was in the booth serving the thousands of attendees interested in obtaining the best technological services for their companies.


From the early hours of the morning, our team offered information about Rootstack's key solutions and areas of experience, thus strengthening its presence in the Panamanian technology market. The atmosphere at Megapolis Convention Center was full of joy and desire to learn about the latest trends in technology.


moveon 2024


Rootstack gave a talk at MoveOn 2024 about Progressive Apps


As part of our participation in MoveOn Panama 2024, our CTO led a talk titled “Progressive Web Apps, excellent experiences on all your devices”, in room 4.


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Attendees learned about mobile applications and their differences from mobile web applications, for example. In addition to this, the benefits that a progressive application offers a company and the advantages for its users, allowing them an experience that adapts to all types of devices and is scalable to support the amount of data and updates.


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Other companies sponsoring the event, such as Samsung and Microsoft, offered talks in the same Rootstack room, showing the importance of MoveOn 2024 for the technology market in Panama and Latin America.


About MoveOn 2024


For more than 10 hours, thousands of business leaders from Panama and Latin America gathered at the Megapolis Convention Center to enjoy MoveOn 2024, where, in addition to sponsoring companies such as Rootstack, interesting talks were offered in the main hall talking about the main trends in technology for this year and what is coming shortly.




The event began with a presentation from Cable & Wireless, the organizers, talking about their new services in mobile technology. He was followed by multiple important speakers, including representatives from Oracle and AWS, Rootstack partners, who spoke about the power of generative artificial intelligence in sports and generative artificial intelligence in companies, respectively.




Attendees also had entertainment options, such as a Formula One simulator in the main hall and the presentation of the group Los Rabanes, who performed their best-known hits. Also, to close the event, there was a space where attendees could socialize, get to know each other, and create strategic alliances for their companies.


Rootstack and its participation in the best tech events


MoveOn 2024 is just one more stop for our team, always present at the best technology events on the continent. Already this year, we were at SXSW in Austin, rubbing shoulders with the biggest names in the business world. In addition, we were present at Developer Week in San Francisco as sponsors, a week in which we positioned ourselves as one of the region's most far-reaching software development agencies.


There are still events to come in the Rootstack calendar for 2024, we invite you to keep an eye on our social networks so you know where our team will be and you can visit us, we hope to be your ideal technological partner.


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