Hybrid Ecommerce

June 18, 2021

Tags: Business, E-Commerce, IT Staff Augmentation


In the world of ecommerce (or electronic commerce) there are several strategies that can be implemented with different business models. Most of the time, we see these strategies divided by whether it is a B2B (Business to Business) model or a B2C (Business to Customer) model. But what happens when a company is looking for a solution for both models?


B2B: Business to Business


With B2B ecommerce, we are talking about companies that sell for other companies (usually wholesale materials or products). These are companies and companies that are treated differently on the page or require a different flow. B2B ecommerce has quite a few differences with a B2C commerce, mainly that they both need the platform to meet certain needs. For example, with B2B it is very common to see that a company can have several accounts per project, this can become complicated in a B2C platform and therefore, requires the platform to have its own portal for that reason.


B2C: Business to Customer


This system is possibly the most “common” when the word ecommerce comes to mind. B2C is the example of commercial ecommerce in which a company sells products to consumers. For B2C ecommerce, it is not necessary for the platform to adjust prices, since the amount will always be less than what companies buy, just as it is not necessary for the platform to register multiple users to a single account.


How Can I Integrate Different Types of Commerce in One Platform?


A hybrid e-commerce, as in platforms like Cochez and Office Depot, allows clients to enter with the same log-in as normal and commercial clients. This has several advantages, such as that it can serve different types of clients using the same equipped platform to handle all their differences.


Hybrid Ecommerce


The answer to this is a hybrid e-commerce solution that allows the company to manage B2B and B2C commerce with a single system in order to obtain a unified vision of the results of their business. Hybrid ecommerce running two separate e-commerce platforms, one for B2B and one for B2C, can lead to duplication of effort and systems.


Benefits of Hybrid Ecommerce


It is not only equipped to integrate B2B and B2C platforms, but also C2C (Customer to Customer) businesses, such as Ebay, for example, and C2B (Customer to Business) businesses, such as an independent person selling a product or service to a company. An example of a C2B trade can be when an independent person sells lunches or promotional items for a brand/company. In addition, hybrid e-commerce allows the company catalog to be treated in a unified way, allowing you to track products in one place. In addition, related to catalogs, with a hybrid platform, prices are updated in real time based on whom the user is, which makes the process less tedious and gives a more real and personalized experience.


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