
Modular Design: A Step Into The Future

June 18, 2021

Tags: Technologies

modular design


Modern, cost-effective, and easily approachable. Does that sound too good? There’s no reason worry, it’s not a lie. We’re talking about modular design, and yes, it is as good as it sounds. Looking at trends coming this year for web development we can all agree that the year looks exciting, and modular design is one of those trends that seems to be on everyone’s radar.


Modular design proves to be a solution that has been created thinking about all relevant aspects that are inside the process of developing a website.


A simple way to explain what modular design is: The development of different pieces that can be reused in thousands of different combinations to create pages by almost anyone who chooses to. Designers and developers are in charge of creating building blocks that will fit together in any way a client chooses to pair them.


modular design


Flexibility at all times


Modules don’t work like templates where they are finalized and approved, committing to just one design for the rest of its lifecycle can seem scary. With modular design there’s no completion, there’s always room to do improvements and changes based on the project’s and company’s evolution.


Clean and precise


For modular design, developers have a refreshed approach where they focus on delivering clean and precise code that is tailored up until the last inch to fit into the design. This significantly improves load time, code quality and even SEO performance since keywords will be easier to find for bots.


Controllable and delegable


In a hurry and unable to create that new page or make that adjustment? You can easily delegate that task to someone else no matter their expertise level, all kinds of users with a regular understanding of content management can take on making new pages based on building blocks with little to no trouble.


Long run friendly


This ties in with modular design being flexible, the way it’s developed leaves the opportunity for constant improvement and enhancements. Redesigns usually happen very far from each other considering the high cost but redesigns of blocks can happen as quickly as 1 to 3 months, so companies will be able to change and adapt their content as they go and see what’s working for them.


Fits into budgets, of course


Since developers are focused on creating pieces of a website and not the website as a whole, there’s less time spent developing, the same goes for designers. There’s less need for long approval meetings, creation of templates, wireframes, etc.


We can all agree that modular design reunites some of the best qualities a solution in 2020 can have and that’s what makes it one of the biggest trends of the moment. Pretty sure we’ll be seeing amazing platforms come up that weren’t complex to create thanks to this methodology and that sounds like a treat.


Ready to make modernize your website? We’ll be happy to help.


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