Software Testing & QA Services

What is the difference between Oracle HRMS and Oracle ERP?

June 07, 2022

Tags: IT Staff Augmentation



Although many companies are still afraid to digitize their operations, many others have realized the benefits that resource management systems bring to their operations. They have been able to forget about tedious manual work to digitize processes and streamline all operations, making better use of time in the office. And in this field, Oracle offers several resource management solutions that are very efficient for business.


What is Oracle HRMS and what is it for?


One of the most popular solutions today is Oracle HRMS, which translates into a human resources management system and is used, as its name suggests, to manage everything related to the operations of a company's Human Resources department.


“HRMS software helps HR professionals to managing the modern workforce, from employee data management to payroll, recruitability, benefits, training, talent management, employee engagement and employee attendance," Oracle explained in his web page.


This kind of system greatly simplifies access to the company's HR data, centralizing all the information in one place and just in time, without wasting valuable minutes jumping from system to system looking for some data you need.




Oracle HRMS Features


  • It allows employees to be more productive by working in a more orderly and efficient way with this platform.
  • It is a system that quickly adjusts to changes in the company.
  • It mixes technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, conversational bots, being an example of innovation.




Why is it important to implement Oracle HRMS in a company?


Digitizing and using technological platforms to manage Human Resources management is not a whim, it is an initiative that will increase the performance and efficiency of your teams and the company in general.


“Well-managed human resources directly improve your business and contribute to competitive advantage. If your company has strategic, value-added human resource management, you will hire, motivate and retain the most capable workforce. You will have the ability to directly engage employees and line managers in managing their skills and careers for the benefit of your company. In addition, you will have accurate and updated information on the workforce of managers and executives”, they highlighted in the documentation.




The Oracle HRMS suite is made up of the following applications:


  • Human Resources
  • Payroll
  • Recruitment
  • learning management


What is Oracle ERP and what is it for?


Oracle launched its own ERP solution, which is nothing more than an enterprise resource planning system. It focuses on organizing, on the same platform, the operations of the different areas of a company through modules. For example, from the interface of an ERP software you can manage everything from payroll to accounting.


In the case of Oracle, it offers Oracle Fusion Cloud ERP, a fully cloud platform that offers a modern way to take your company to the highest level of efficiency and productivity. 


“It provides your teams with advanced capabilities, such as Artificial Intelligence to automate the manual processes that slow them down, analytics to react to market changes in real time, and the automatic updates needed to stay current and gain a competitive advantage,” Oracle explained in an article about ERP.






  • It is modular, you only implement the modules that are necessary for your business.
  • It has advanced analytics, AI and automation in all processes, which makes it a powerful ERP.
  • Unify all processes on the same platform.
  • It can coexist with the old systems you have since it is a very flexible ERP.
  • It is ideal for large companies, has implementation partners in various regions of the world and has support services in most countries.
  • Perfect for handling complex processes.
  • Its ability to integrate with other platforms and tools is exceptional.




Why is it important to implement Oracle ERP in a company?


Automate manual processes


If before your team had to manage accounting, payroll and inventory manually, involved in endless paperwork, thanks to the implementation of Oracle ERP this situation comes to an end since it automates and digitizes all manual processes. Thanks to this, employees will be able to spend more time analyzing data and creating strategies, instead of spending their time on routine and repetitive tasks.


Simplify everyday work


If before the team came to the office to review folder by folder to see the pending work, with Oracle's ERP it is now much simpler: you simply enter the platform, go to the pending board and verify what has been done and what is pending All this simplifies the work and speeds it up completely.


It allows anticipating and detecting new situations in the business


“Oracle Cloud ERP introduces machine learning to predictive planning and forecasting to use larger data sets, uncover hidden biases, detect significant deviations, and speed up overall response time,” the company detailed about this benefit.


If you are considering implementing an ERP, the time is literally now. According to an article published by Gartner, by 2023 at least 60% of companies will be working more productively thanks to the functionalities of ERP platforms. And companies that have implemented an ERP, in 2023 will achieve at least 40% in improvements in terms of agility in their processes.




Differences between Oracle HRMS and Oracle ERP


The difference between both platforms is based on the objectives that each one has. In the case of Oracle HRMS, it focuses more on personnel management, as well as identity management and employee access to company platforms. It also offers other functionalities for managing payroll in an easier and more efficient way.


On the other hand, when we talk about Oracle ERP, it is a platform with a completely different and much broader objective: through the modules that can be activated in this software, all departments and areas of a company can be managed, automating all tasks that are repetitive and manual.


Depending on the context and the needs of the company, you can choose one or another tool. Although you can implement both at the same time, since they can coexist without any problem.


Do you need an identity solution or an ERP for your company? Let's talk and we'll explain how Oracle solutions can help you.


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