Key Characteristics of Effective Software Development

November 08, 2022

Tags: Technologies, IT Staff Augmentation

desarrollo de software


One of the initial challenges that companies face today is the search for the best software provider. Everyone wants effective software development, of course, but finding the technology partner that best suits your business can be complex.


When studying the options you have from software development companies, you should not only believe what they tell you, things like: “We are the best, “We are responsible”, “We have the best developers”. It may be true, but all this must be confirmed with real facts.


For example, reviewing the projects they have previously worked on, and their most recent clients. If possible, talk to some of these customers to find out what their experience was like working with this software service provider. All this will serve to give you an idea of the quality of the software development service.


Table of Contents

  • Roles in software development
  • Key Features in Effective Software Development


Roles in software development


Before we talk about the key features of effective software development, we'll break down for you the roles that make up an optimal software team.


desarrollo de software


  • Project manager


Both on the side of the software provider and the company that is hiring it, each one must designate a project manager to manage everything related to software development. They will deal with everything from the progress of the project to the needs that may arise along the way.


  • Developers


Of course, the foundation of all software development is software developers and engineers. They are the ones who run the project, write the code, and build the platforms and systems. They are in communication with the project manager to give progress on the project.


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Read more: How to hire app developers for IT Staff Augmentation?


  • Designers


UX designers work together with the developers in the development of the software, they make sure that the platform being built is functional for the end users. They define the information architecture and the navigation model.



it Staff Augmentation


  • Scrum Master


It allows the software development team to work smoothly, keeping track of work and trying to eliminate obstacles that may arise along the way. He makes sure that team members work under Agile values.


  • QA


QA engineers are responsible for identifying and documenting those aspects of the product that are not working correctly or that do not conform to the original design.


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  • Testers 


They apply tests to detect bugs or defects in software development. The objective is that the final product has good performance and satisfies both the end user and the standards proposed in the project.


Key Features in Effective Software Development


For software development to be successful, the software company or vendor must:


  • Understand the specific needs of the client. Only then can an effective software product be built
  • Software development must comply with each of the stages of the Software Development Life Cycle, such as planning, analysis, design, development, integration and testing, implementation and maintenance.
  • There must be reliable communication during software development between the company and the supplier, since in this way they avoid misunderstandings, development failures and failures due to not knowing how to express what each one needed.
  • Applying agile methodologies in the project guarantees that the software development is being carried out in an orderly manner, in stages and with regular deliveries of progress.


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If you find a software provider that meets the characteristics we have just described, we predict that your software development will be efficient and successful. At Rootstack, we have +10 years supporting companies in the development of their software solutions. Contact us!


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