Web Development Services

Culture that clients should have when working with a tech partner

January 10, 2022

Tags: Technologies

Partner tecnológico


When a company works with a technology partner, it must bear in mind that both its culture and that of the service provider have to coincide so that the relationship and collaboration is efficient and successful according to the project objectives. Have as many meetings as you think necessary with this partner to get to know him in-depth, both his culture and his good practices and procedures.


But on the side of the technological partner, they feel totally satisfied when they can work alongside clients who are quite clear about the scope of the project they want to develop and who base their labor relations on honesty and coherence. There are many elements that define customer culture and we will talk about it below.


The culture that clients should have when working with a tech partner


Honesty and trust


The foundation of all lasting human relationships is honesty and trust. You as a company must be honest with what you need from the project and on the partner's side, he must be very sincere about what he can really offer you, without cheating or promising things that he will not be able to fulfill in the end. In this way, both of you can create real projections of the software to be developed.


Partner tecnológico


Know how to listen


The first weeks of work between a company and a technology partner are one of mutual understanding and communication, so it is essential to know how to listen to the other. By asking and listening to the other, the partner will be able to know the way of working and the culture of the company, while the company will be able to evaluate the performance and the way of working of the service provider. But if both parties do not make an effort to listen to the other, the relationship may end before it begins.




Empathy is a valuable quality that must be present in every interpersonal relationship, that is why it is necessary for a company to have it when commenting on any suggestion or requirement to the technological partner, so that harmony is maintained and problems are solved with greater agility.


Partner tecnológico


Standardized communication 


There are companies that, at times, are not very clear about the communication between a client and a technology partner. Here we clarify that the least effective is to report requirements or comment on the project via WhatsApp chat because you can lose focus of the problem and delay its resolution. Therefore, both customers and software providers must establish communication channels so that both parties know where they are going to communicate.




There are phases in the projects that will need approval from the clients, so it is very important that they remain available, at least during the classic working hours, so that they can review the deliverables sent by the supplier with the progress of the project.


Partner tecnológico


Project scope


This is one of the most important and critical points between a company and the technology partner. In this case, the client must be clear about the scope of the project and what he wants to achieve from start to finish, to avoid that in the middle of the development he requests elements or improvements that were not contemplated at the beginning that affect delivery times. Any change that is made without being contemplated at the beginning will undoubtedly affect the time and resources invested in the project.


These are just some of the elements that must be present both in the work culture of clients and in the culture of technology partners. Evaluate them, try to include them in your company and check if the service provider you are looking for has these characteristics to guarantee the success of your project.


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