Software Consulting Services

Top 5 Benefits of Alfresco

June 18, 2021

Tags: Technologies

Every day more organizations incorporate ECM (Enterprise Content Management) solutions, these trends have been growing over time as a strategy for document lifecycle management (capture, management, storage, and dissemination of content and documents related to the processes of the organization).


ECM solutions seek to offer flexibility and scalability to organizations, access documents from anywhere and use business applications. Following this trend mention's 5 of the many benefits that Alfresco ECM brings to organizations:


1. Best productivity:


Having all documentation in a single repository is easier to find and retrieve information, streamlining the tasks within the organization and responses to customers.


2. Save money:


Reduction in paper consumption, printing consumables and elimination of other services such as outside storage, messaging services


3. Process standardization:


Unifying the procedures to perform all the tasks, defining flows, will allow being able to quantify the results of these tasks. Increasing electronic processes, reducing the paper percentage.


4. Mobility:


With Alfresco ECM can access from the web browser and mobile application, to adopt and meet the needs of the organization.


5. Keep your documents over the years:


Documents without risk of deterioration or loss thereof.


These benefits are just a sample of what brings to the organization Alfresco ECM that interacts with the services and processes. With the implementation of Alfresco ECM, decision-making is more agile, productivity improves, and information governance. The organizing of the documents is more fluid and secure.


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