Useful tips to work remotely and not hating it

June 18, 2021

Tags: Technologies

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Working remotely is something many companies have started to implement with their collaborators. Whether it is you get a couple of days off to work from home, or you are 100% a remote worker, this tactic isn’t something new.


Although companies implement this method to let their workforce breathe and be more comfortable, the truth is not many people are used to this or now how to productively work from home. Remote working can be a great experience if you learn how to make the best of it. That being said, here are the top seven tips to work remotely from home, being productive, and not hate it.


1: Get in the right mindset


A lot of workers seem to think working from home is the payed equivalent of a day off, and it isn’t. The very first step towards getting work done and making the most out of remote days, is to get into the right mindset.


Realize this is an opportunity to break off the “routine” and work from a different environment, but it is still work, and you should still be following the same tasks you’d do back at your office. Focus on getting job done, moving along with your regular schedule and you should be fine by the end of the day. But if you don’t, you’d just be wasting eight good working hours.


2: Follow your usual work-routine


Working remotely can quickly turn into a full day of accomplishing nothing if you don’t stick to a real routine based on reaching goals and moving on with your current tasks.


Try to stick to your regular routine as if you were in your office. Follow along the same working hours and give yourself the very same lunch time or breaks as you would do in your office.


Working remotely can be counter producent if you’re taking breaks every ten minutes or getting easily distract. Follow your routine, stick to it, and work towards your weekly goals as if you would do any other day.


3: Get stuff done before working


Showering, making and eating breakfast, getting out of your pajamas, cooking lunch… Get those things ready before your working hours begin, and be ready to work on time.


Not only does this mean you will be able to make the most out of your working hours, but also off of your lunch time. If you already have your lunch ready, it means you get to enjoy your free hour a little bit more.


Also, by getting these things out out the way before starting to work it means you get to be more focused on your current task instead of wasting time around your house.


4: Create your own workspace


Let’s be realistic, working from your bed will result in you being uncomfortable after fifteen minutes, or falling asleep. To work remotely, you need to have a designated workspace that’s right for you.


Find a place with good lighting, that’s quite enough for you to work from and that’s comfortable enough for you to sit down and spread any work materials you might have. It is important to point out your workspace doesn’t have to be a huge. A table or a desk should be enough.


5: Eliminate any possible distractions


This might be hard for people that need their laptops to work (which is most of us, to be realistic) but it is important you eliminate as many distractions as possible when it’s time to work from home.


Turn off any nearby Tv’s, keep your phone away if you can’t help but check it every five minutes and focus on keeping only the necessary tabs open on your computer or laptop.


It might sound drastic, but if you follow a regular routine (As we mentioned in #2) and create a proper schedule, you’ll still be able to check on social media and spend a couple of minutes on your phone, while getting stuff done.


6: Understand when you’re more productive


Now, how you do this will depend on whether or not your company allows you to start working whenever you want during your remote days, or if you still have to follow a regular schedule.


If you have to follow a regular schedule, then it is important that you know during which hours you’re the most productive and make the most of them. This way, as the day passes by, you won’t feel rushed to get things done, because you already had.


On the other hand, if your company allows you to work whenever you want during your remote days, make sure you start working during the hours you feel the most rested. If you wait until the end of the day, you’ll be drained out, and won’t be able to complete anything.


7: Keep in touch with your coworkers


A key part in managing to work remotely without hating it is to keep in touch with your coworkers either by email, text, or any corporative chat or platform your company might have.


Not only does this help you to maintain a healthy workflow, but it allows you to still be connected with whatever is happening back in the office. Just make sure to designate a proper communication system when you’re out of your workplace, and you’ll be okay.


As you might have noticed, working remotely consist about dedication and consistency. If you keep those two you’ll be able to work from home while still getting things done. It is hard, yest, but worth it.


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