Big Data & Business Intelligence Services

BPM for the Telecommunications Industry

BPM for the Telecommunications Industry

Value functions of a BPM in the telecommunication industry


Applying automation in the telecommunications industry through a BPM tool will help the company in the change it needs to face the technological present and the challenges that lie ahead in the future.


Unfortunately, most companies keep their processes manual: they keep doing repetitive and complex tasks with human personnel, resulting in costly errors and wasted time and energy. A BPM in telecom will add value to the daily functions of your company, in addition to other benefits:


  • Differentiation


Telecommunications companies offer very similar, in some cases identical, services, so being able to stand out is vital to success. Achieving this can be difficult for the company, offering low prices for the service is ideal but these are subject to general standards, so most or all similar companies have the same prices. Applying a BPM tool in your company to automate daily processes and tasks will cause everything to run perfectly. This will allow staff to focus on what is most important: the customer. Having the customer at the center of attention is paramount for any company, but absolutely necessary for telecommunications, being able to quickly and effectively attend to their needs.


  • Customer Support


This is a section to which the telecommunications industry must pay attention. In a survey by the UK Customer Service Institute, telcos scored 74.2 out of 100 for overall customer satisfaction, several points below the all-industry average of 78.1. A correct BPM tool can offer your company a clear guide of the correct processes, rules, and exceptions to apply to customer service, which means that your employees can make the right decisions to support customers consistently and quickly. thus increasing customer satisfaction.


  • Customer churn


This term in the telecommunications industry refers to when a loyal customer of a company leaves the same, motivated by the low standard of customer service. In this regard, having a BPM tool can help prevent this from happening. A mapping of the customer journey in the company helps to visualize the way in which each customer interacts with the company or with the services it offers, including the moments in which they felt poorly attended to and motivated their departure. By making use of this mapping to understand what the customer wants, you can adapt the services according to their needs.


A BPM in the Telecom industry enhances efficiency by streamlining complex operations, reducing costs, and accelerating time-to-market for new services.


  • Increased complexity


The operating environment of companies dedicated to telecommunications is becoming more complicated and complex every day: changing technology, new competition every minute in the market, and a greater focus on cloud computing replacing traditional cables and towers. This will only cause decision-making and internal processes to increase in complexity, resulting in a greater risk of bottlenecks in daily tasks, processes where the exit will not be seen, and lost opportunities to attract customers. A BPM tool was designed precisely to deal with this complexity. The following route is followed: establish a solid process framework, where the processes of your organization are clearly analyzed and understood by all employees, and provide a solid foundation to handle new information, updates, and unexpected changes in the way the organization works.


  • Inefficiency


There are hundreds, if not thousands of individual tasks and related decisions that any telecommunications company needs to complete every day to keep their business running effectively. When done inefficiently, it can delay the development of the company. Having a BPM tool helps the development of the company since you can quickly identify all the tasks and processes where there are inefficiencies, areas of high/unnecessary cost, wherever they exist in a process.

Benefits of a BPM in the telecommunication industry

Reduce expenses

When you automate processes in an industry, you help develop a data-driven business model, running on innovative technology. Enhanced and automated services and operations drive companies, such as the telecommunications industry, to reduce operating expenses and even improve their revenue per user or customer.

Faster and more efficient flows

By automating a task or process, information can be obtained at a speed that exceeds that of traditional processes and can be done from various sources, thus improving the analytical capacity of the company. Automation allows you to combine it with different strategies for a successful digital transformation.

Network monitoring

With the arrival of the 5G network and the enormous number of devices that communicate with each other within the internet, traditional data monitoring and analysis are no longer enough to collect the necessary amount of information. An automation BPM tool, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, works to accomplish this monitoring efficiently. A Comarch study showed that telcos are increasingly turning to AI-based systems and automation of network incident detection and analysis.


Automation needs of the telecommunication industry

The telecommunications industry has made huge strides in the last two decades. According to figures revealed by Statista, "strong growth in the global telecommunications market is expected in 2024, with a forecast of 1.6 trillion U.S. dollars to be spent worldwide. This represents a 4.3 percent increase on the estimated spend for 2023."

This translates into millions of people working within the telecommunications industry, which makes it an ideal place to automate your processes.

The International Society for Automation defines it as "the creation and application of technology to monitor and control the production and delivery of products and services." For all this, the application of a BPM tool, Business Process Management, is needed.

Automation in telecommunications tries to define and deploy services faster. It's about attracting and retaining new customers by reducing the time and cost required to activate and deliver services.

A giant-sized industry needs its daily processes and repetitive tasks to be managed by software or automation tools, in order to free up staff and allow them to focus on the end customer, achieving complete customer satisfaction and being able to offer a better service.