Software Testing & QA Services

Things to consider before contracting a DevOps role

June 18, 2021

Tags: Technologies



Within the software development industry there are many considerations that are not taken into account by companies and customers, this is due to certain variables, as they are: The culture of the company, the internal methodologies, the practices of development that are carried out and finally, we could mention the good understanding and the assertive communication with the client.


We've all heard about DevOps role on occasion, but you're probably not clear about its role within an organization's IT team. In this blog, we will explain its functions and how it will help us to be more successful in our day-on-day.


How does DevOps relate?


The role of a DevOps is defined in different ways and they all have the same consequence, in general it takes care of the whole life cycle of a product, in other words, it must create the development environment in a more agile way, with fewer human errors, monitoring the versions of the project, improving the development methodology, seeking continuous improvement in the quality of the code and reducing project costs.


So, what should we take into account before hiring a DevOps?


  1. Approach to speed up the SetUp or Ramp up times of the programmers

DevOps tend to look for development productivity in the team, to achieve this they use different tools:


  • Source code repository.
  • Compilation server.
  • Configuration management.
  • Test automation.
  • Virtual infrastructure.


In this scenario, DevOps orchestrates each of the tools used from start to finish of the project, this means that the developer is in charge of the code, the QA of the testing and the client of the final approvals.


  1. Generate stability in the project

A DevOps is in charge of the architecture, so taking into account the type of project, will use the tools that are most conducive to development, in this process should consider what type of servers, tools and services will be used. This helps to:

  • Improve the MTR.
  • More frequent Deployment.
  • Low failure rates of new versions.
  • Faster time to market.
  • Short delivery time between repairs.


  1. Decrease QA times

A DevOps, through continuous monitoring tools, parameterizes all types of automatic testing instead of employing a person to review each page of the app. These can stop and prevent problems: Development cycles.

  • Deployment.
  • Vulnerabilities.
  • Servers.
  • Performance.


Taking into account each of these aspects we can conclude that a DevOps will undoubtedly help a detailed work, facilitate the work of developers and operational, creating a productive relationship in your team, bringing positive results.


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