On Saturday, December 5, 2015 was held at the offices of Rootstack the last community event of the year, with emphasis on Drupal 8 and related topics.
This event, no doubt, proved to be a success, not only in exposing issues of interest to Drupal 8 but also achieving a retro-feeding by attendees, so as to continue to contribute to personal and professional development of all attendees.

The event started at 9:00 am with talks from Developer Roberto Cardenas, who drew attention to new features and benefits in Drupal 8.
Roberto showed how Drupal 8 implements a nicer interface to the end-user experience, with features such as:
- Inline Edition
- Translation of the native components Mobile Site
Specifying Frontend features such as:
- Improved layouts
- Views on the core
- Improved organization of files
- The use of Twig and HTML5
As well as the features aimed at Backend such as:
- The use of Symfony components
- Components and services
- Improvements in security

*"Drupal 8 combines a pleasant and functional CMS the end user with a more solid core based on Symfony therefore gives us greater efficiency and safety, is a good framework to start developing new projects and in parallel to establishing best used on projects more big"* - **Roberto Cardenas**
Upon completion of such talk, senior developer, Antonio Touriño, highlighted the new system templates for Drupal 8 by referring to Twig, which, besides the variables and structures of classical control,provides all system templates, Twig has two powerful concepts, filters and inheritance, in which he emphasized.
At approximately 10:30 am, the dev Jorge Acosta, presented the creation of custom themes in Drupal 8, using Gulp, Sass and Jeet.gs. Described in a basic way the whole process in the creation of a theme from scratch using the aforementioned tools.

*"My first talk about programming. Excited to bring in tools open source development. The product of this talk is the work done on a project where Rootstack use the same tools. I believe that the use of these tools for a project in drupal or any other common tasks easier frontend allowing the developer to focus more code."* - **Jorge Acosta**
After a brief recess, it was given continuity to the event with the exhibitor Javier Troy, who highlighted the security issues and advances in Drupal 8 in comparison to their predecessors. the evaluation of the features that have been improved since the last stable version of Drupal 7 to the current stable version of Drupal 8. solutions have now been applied from the very core of Drupal and are presented for previously was performed needed third-party modules or contributed.

*The power mention web security has always been an interesting topic, discuss improvements drupal 8 compared to its previous version and other CMS 'made me realize the great projections have for this CMF and scalability that symfony expects to have as part of the core. -* **Javier Troya**
At noon, Juan Barba, a developer with several certifications by Acquia, shared his knowledge of Drupal 8 and Symfony to create a separate module. Not only explained the basic and essential concepts for creating modules in D8, but also compared the recent changes between Drupal 8 and Drupal 7.

*"I'm glad 3 people came to tell me directly that they liked my talk, it was also great to give this talk, as I got to know that is what others who are developing with other platforms struggle to assimilate and find out. They must acquire to understand the flow of development in Drupal 8"* - **Juan Barba**
The last talk and to conclude the briefing, the developer Fernando Figueroa, who was in on the technology Symfony and described the process of creating a command with the component Symfony console. The main purpose was to enthuse developers to contribute to the Drupal Console, a rather interesting for application development with Drupal 8 alternative project, showing how fast and easy it is to use the console component of Symfony. In the talk we create a console command from scratch helpers implementing commonly used and the base of the console commands drupal were explained.

*"It was quite a dynamic and friendly space where all left with new knowledge, and hope they find new partners to the Drupal console"* - **Fernando Figueroa**
Once culminated the talks, participants and collaborators were able to share their experiences of the event, along with burgers and beers.

In Rootstack, we have and will continue to promote the knowledge of new technologies, trends and tools available, to be part of the technological evolution that we are living.
#We are waiting for the next event in early 2016! Do not miss it!#